The bug with a leading dot in filenames (not processed correctly) is indeed fixed
Using % variables in an .alias file still leads to an incorrect icon for all entries inside that group.
The .alias file contains e.g.:
OpenVPN | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\OpenVPN\_OpenVPN.exe
AdMuncher | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\AdMuncher\AdMunch.exe
Clipboard | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\CHS\ClipboardHelpAndSpell.exe
The icon for the alias group after typing in ".s" is correct but all three entries show the same icon
The only way to fix it seems to replace the variable with the real folder name or adding an /ICON entry for each one.
Can you have a look at it again, mouser or is it (now) working as intended and you want the user to add an icon for each entry?