Hey there fellow DC'ers
I'm sitting at work here right now, having to deal with a _very_ nasty problem that totally smashes my system's heap, slowly, very slowly... (to the point of no return other than rebooting)
The application is an especially nasty accumulation of C/C++/Managed C++/C# code.
So it got everything, from malloc to new to gcnew.. garbage collected items, and items that need manual disposal.
Everything split up in half a ton of DLL files.
I already found
this thread here and was wondering if any of you could recommend any other tools (preferably free software, but if it's payware, whatever, as long as it does the job) to do leak testing, memory profiling.
valgrind is pretty awesome for this, but well, linux.
i'd need something similar for win2k and xp.
i know leaks are a very common problem to any non-trivial program, so i assume most of you have already had to deal with this problem.
please share your knowledge