Honestly, I love opera, like most people here. It's my main browser.
But I cannot understand how it is plagued by 'lack of features' that are so simple to implement that are embarrassing.
My main pet peeve is the stupid plain text clipboard.
Could we have, at least as an option, a clipboard that works like 99% of the applications in the real world? No? Why not?
This is not technically difficult, I guess it's just the caprice of someone at the developing team.
Most Opera users here have one pet peeve that is just driving them crazy. Some users here (the most knowledgeable on the web) went the extra mile and just didn't use Opera because of that.
After years of monitoring/posting in the forum, I have to say that this is corporate stupidity. Great ideas flowing in that forum, left and right. Most of them ignored. Opera is a 'pointy-hair boss' company, I'm afraid to say.
They bless their users with the best broswer on earth, but the curse them with capricious features that are never there. I think they are condemned to a marginal market share forever. And they did it to themselves.
Honestly it saddens me to see so much potential wasted away. And I'm a longtime user, since Opera 5.
They need better direction, better marketing, beter common sense. I don't want to point fingers, but someone (maybe an entire team) in that company has to go.
My 2 cents.