General Software Discussion / Re: Which Linux For Non-Techie Windows Users?
« on: March 10, 2010, 09:28 AM »I would never put linux on a non-techie machine. No matter how much linux has improved, you need to do some sysadmin... impossible for a non-techie on his own.-urlwolf (March 10, 2010, 09:22 AM)
I don't agree. Non-techies are not a homogeneous group. There are computer illiterates, who don't even know what is a browser, and who think the "e" is the symbol of internet. And there are those who know one thing or two about computers.
I think linux won't feel different after 5 minutes to the completely ignorant types, for instance those who hold the mouse in a weird fashion.
Those who are somewhat used to windows are a whole other story though. Putting linux boxes in front of them is never a good idea.