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Messages - Scott [ switch to compact view ]

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Bibbity bobbidy boo
I'm currently eating a shoe
My life, it sucks
Who gives two fucks?
And with that, off you can screw



[not really but i had to rhyme]

FARR 2.80.02
WinXP Pro SP3

I have the "Show on TaskBar when active" option enabled (and I've restarted FARR), yet the task bar button for FARR never appears.

[moved to new thread. why can't we delete posts?]

Each time I've downloaded a new Caps-Run copy, I manually go in and clear out its directory before extracting it.  I just did so again and tried...  Setting a calc.exe shortcut to run minimized doesn't work.

Don't sweat it...

Any program I run (via Caps-Run) with the shortcut properties set to Minimized fails to run that way...  Such as simply specifying calc.exe as the program.

As far as the quotes go, nothing I try makes it work, even following your exact example above with "start "" calc.exe".

Thank you, but setting the shortcut to "Minimized" won't make the child of capsrun.exe run minimized.

Regarding quotes, when I use these settings in Caps-Run:

c:\program files\console\nircmd.exe

cmdwait 2000 execmd start "" calc.exe

This is the command line that actually runs:

"c:\program files\console\nircmd.exe" cmdwait 2000 execmd start " calc.exe    

If I change the Parameters to:
"cmdwait 20000 execmd start "" calc.exe"

This runs:

cmdwait 20000 execmd start  calc.exe

cmdwait 20000 execmd "start "" calc.exe"

Results in:

cmdwait 20000 execmd start  calc.exe    

Don't worry about any of this though.  I can live with Caps-Run without driving you nuts over this.  I'm sorry.

Thank you, but setting the shortcut to "Minimized" won't make the child of capsrun.exe run minimized.

Regarding quotes, when I use these settings in Caps-Run:

c:\program files\console\nircmd.exe

cmdwait 2000 execmd start "" calc.exe

This is the command line that actually runs:

"c:\program files\console\nircmd.exe" cmdwait 2000 execmd start " calc.exe    

If I change the Parameters to:
"cmdwait 20000 execmd start "" calc.exe"

This runs:

cmdwait 20000 execmd start  calc.exe

Don't worry about any of this though.  I can live with Caps-Run without driving you nuts over this.  I'm sorry.

First of all, thank you very much for giving this your attention.

It seems that minimized and maximized are reversed.  That is, if Maximized is selected in the Caps-Run interface when the shortcut is created, the shortcut is actually created with "minimized" set, and vice-versa.

But the real problem is that this only sets the shortcut's parameters, and it doesn't affect how the program being run by Caps-Run actually loads.  Caps-Run would have to signal internally for the application to start minimized or maximized.

The startup directory is a similar issue.  Setting it in the shortcut only passes it to Caps-Run, not to the actual program being run.

I'm not sure how hard this would be to do, and I apologize if it's too much to ask.  I also apologize for the misunderstanding.

I will elaborate on the quote issue soon.

Is there any way to make Caps-Run:

1. Supply the launched application with a startup directory?

2. Start the application minimized or maximized?

I also found a problem with quotation mark parsing.  If the parameters supplied in the Caps-Run config dialog contain quotes, those quotes are misinterpreted.  For example, if this is used in the Parameters box:

cmdwait 10000 execmd start "" calc.exe

The first quotation mark after start gets interpreted as the end of the parameters to be sent to the application.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Tray Management Utilities Mini-Review
« on: February 18, 2009, 08:01 PM »
Well I guarantee I could sit on anyone's XP system and duplicate the problems with PSTF I've seen.

I give up.  PSTF can KMA.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Tray Management Utilities Mini-Review
« on: February 18, 2009, 03:51 PM »
I tried running this lameware on WinXP Pro SP3.

I can live without it too.  What I hate is wasting money (that was my fault for not trying it long enough), and being ignored (not my fault).

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Tray Management Utilities Mini-Review
« on: February 18, 2009, 02:01 PM »
Wow, you seem to be able to get a response after repeated effort.  I've tried several times and am still waiting for reply #1 from this oblivious developer.  How nice.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Tray Management Utilities Mini-Review
« on: February 01, 2009, 07:51 PM »
Still haven't received responses from PTFF "support".  How nice of them.  I do support for a software vendor, and if I pulled that kind of crap, I'd be out of a job.  Nice that some people just don't have to give a damn.  Good for them.

My sound has always been fine, until a few weeks ago.  Then, for reasons unknown, I started having "skips" in my sound.  It's absolutely maddening; I can't even listen to music on this machine anymore.

Someone in another forum pointed me to the DPC Latency Checker, but it's just a visual interpretation of what I already hear.  I guess it will be easier (and maybe slightly less annoying) to use, rather than playing music and listening for the dropouts.

My audio drivers are fine.  I haven't updated any other drivers lately except for TrueCrypt.  I'm wondering if that's at fault.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Tray Management Utilities Mini-Review
« on: November 28, 2008, 02:33 PM »
I bought PSTF (because to this day, I'm stupid enough to buy shareware before testing it fully), and I'm disgusted with it.  Not only did it screw up some of my tray icons (especially Vuze) by making two, three, four, or even more duplicate icons appear erroneously, it has proven useless for restoring icons after an Explorer kill or crash.  That sucks, because icon restoration is the main reason I bought the damned thing.

I sent two emails to "support" (first one sent 8 days before today) and have been completely ignored.

I don't need to hear "Works great for me; you must suck!" from 15 other people.  Really.  (No need to copy/paste that sentence to be cute, either.)

I fully admit the loss of cash is my fault.  I never learn.  Oh well.  I'll find a way to make it up.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Tray Management Utilities Mini-Review
« on: November 19, 2008, 09:18 PM »
[PS Tray Factory] requires the use of the windows key for hotkey configuration, instead of letting the user select from the CTRL + ALT combinations. Not a very major problem, but the option to use the windows logo key should be just that, optional.

The PS Tray Factory 2.5 hotkey settings do not require the Windows key.  For example, the hotkey settings in the attached file result in the hotkey being set to Ctrl+Alt+W.  The Windows key isn't part of it unless the "Win" checkbox is selected.  Those checkboxes don't enable/disable the hotkeys (for that, press Ctrl while the cursor is in the hotkey text box, to set it to "None").

I managed to replicate this but only when I called my branches "C:" and "Q:" instead of "C" and "Q".  Try removing the colons and see if the problem goes away.

Thank you.  I was very specific because I'm trying to establish that a bug exists.

I just found that if I add a space after the end of the group names (i.e. "C: " and "D: "), DOpus creates two new groups when I add a favorite.

If anyone else would like to mention whether they could reproduce this, I'd appreciate it.

I guess I have an amazing knack for uncovering software problems.  Not that this is a good thing.  But I still can't get a job as a software tester.  Go figure.

Anyway, I'm using Directory Opus under WinXP.  Since I am a new user, I found myself creating a bunch of favorites.  I noticed that at some point, DOpus began doing something strange with the favorites as I'd add them: I'd tell it to put it in one favorites group, but instead of putting it in that group, it would create a new group of the same name, with the new group a subfolder of another group, and put the new favorite there instead.

The author said he could not reproduce this problem.

So, I turned once again to my trusty VMware, and a 100% clean copy of WinXP.  I reproduced the issue immediately, and made a video of it.  The attached ZIP archive contains an AVI file that uses the standard Microsoft Video 1 codec.

I begin with two groups of Favorites--one is named C: and the other is named D:.  In the video, you can very plainly see what happens:

1. I select a folder in the tree, then select Favorites > Add to Favorites.

2. I very definitely select the D: group (at 00:03 for those following along), and click OK.  You can see in the video at this point that there are no other groups present.

3. I go to Favorites > Edit Favorites, and find that rather than having the new favorite placed in the D: group I selected, DOpus has created a new group named D: (under the preexisting group named C:), and placed the new favorite there.

Can anyone else reproduce this?

this is a bit off-topic but sometimes a small innocuous item in the context-menu can cause instability.. read about my experience with Screenshot Captor here.. :)

You're right, shell extensions can cause crashes, but this particular crash is not due to any shell extension.  It took me probably a full work day's worth of hassle to prove it, but now I have.

Beautiful.  Unassociated third-party confirmation.  I appreciate it.

So, here we have:

  • A standard Windows folder.  Yes, naming with brackets (i.e. []) may be somewhat unusual, but it is perfectly allowable to the file system, and to Windows.
  • A standard Windows shortcut file, that points to another standard Windows folder.  The shortcut target is not present, but this is also not an abnormal or unacceptable situation; shortcuts may point to network drives, removable drives, encrypted volumes, and other resources that are not always available.  The target must exist when the shortcut is created, but Windows does not go nuts or refuse to boot if the shortcut target disappears afterward.

Unless someone can contort logic enough to claim that a shortcut with an invalid target under the SendTo menu should make Directory Opus crash, I do believe I've found a bug.  The author just replied to me via email and says he will look into it.  He didn't say so explicitly, but I think he was able to reproduce it on his end as well...

This one was tough!  Thank you very much for the confirmation, guys.

In another thread, I mentioned a crash I'd experienced with Directory Opus 9.0.  Well, I've now spent hours of my time last night and today trying to figure out what is going on...  And I think I finally have.

I've now reproduced this crash on my main system and under VMware, where I run a totally clean copy of Windows XP Home (clean, except for VMware Tools).  So, I really think Directory Opus is at fault.

Could someone please try an experiment?  If you run Directory Opus, especially under Windows XP, extract the attached file to your SendTo folder.  The archive contains only an innocuous shortcut, contained in the relative directory [X].  So, after extracting the ZIP file to your SendTo folder, the result should be a single file, Internet - Temp.lnk, under this folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\SendTo\[X]\

After that is done, restart Directory Opus (i.e. close down all copies of DOpus.exe and then run it again), then right click a file (any file should do) repeatedly in Directory Opus.  It may happen on the first right click or the tenth, but DOpus.exe should crash...  If I'm right.  If you are running any version of Windows other than Windows XP, or any version of Directory Opus under, then this test proves nothing if DOpus.exe doesn't crash.

But if these tools became a lot more widely used, it would cause what I would call a 'Halloween Effect"

I completely understand that, and what I am saying is that I'm not about to be a "pioneer" who goes out in a witch costume!  I'm not big on being burned at the stake while waiting for everyone else to catch on.  :)

You make a good point, though.

I think the purpose of it isn't really to hide your searches in the mess of bogus ones as to make the data unreliable to find people that really search for this stuff.

They aren't mutually-exclusive ends.

If Google ever complied with an order to turn over the IP's of everyone searching for anything bomb related and if half of everyone that uses Google was running something that submitted a search that matched, then half of all Google users would have their IP in that list...and it would be obvious that the data couldn't be trusted, and therefore tossed out as being useless.

Or, the number of people searching for bomb-making materials and such would still be low enough that the government could make your life a living hell if they decided to.  Because surely, nowhere near half of Google users are searching for that kind of thing.

General Software Discussion / Re: roboform2go or sticky password?
« on: March 13, 2007, 11:05 AM »
I've been wanting to use RoboForm for years, due to the beautiful way it locates and fills login forms either automatically (which uses extra CPU time), or at the click of a button.  But even after aaaaall this time, they have yet to add any way to import data from other applications.  And there's no way I can or will manually type all that info over again...

General Software Discussion / Re: roboform2go or sticky password?
« on: March 12, 2007, 12:10 PM »
keePass doesn't support firefox.
Works with Firefox for me.

Works for me too.  I have no idea why someone would say that KeePass Password Safe does not work with Firefox.  It's not nearly as convenient as RoboForm, since you have to configure each password entry and manually locate the login form, but it does work as designed, with Firefox.

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