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Messages - Scott [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Re: DirMS and Buzzsaw
« on: April 16, 2005, 01:04 AM »
I use mst Defrag Home Edition, and it works quite well.  I absolutely love having a defragger that I can literally install and then forget about.  The only (very highly questionable) benefit that something like PerfectDisk offers, to me, is the ability to defrag a few bits of NTFS metadata in offline mode.  But no one is going to convince me that those metadata files are causing a performance hit.

ProcessTamer / Re: ForegroundLockTimeout Value
« on: April 15, 2005, 12:48 AM »
Wait...  I hope you're just setting the ForegroundLockTimeout value once, and not on every run.

Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 15, 2005, 12:32 AM »
any other drive imaging software to consider?

Acronis True Image
Drive Image / Ghost


Yes, my personal favorite:

TeraByte Unlimited Image for DOS/Windows

ProcessTamer / Re: ForegroundLockTimeout Value
« on: April 14, 2005, 11:12 PM »
I sure wasn't blaming you, no problems on my end...  I could have worked around it by setting it back to 200000 at each shutdown.  :)

I agree that it should be set back to 200000 by PT.  That would probably be appropriate for 99%+ of users.

ProcessTamer / Re: ForegroundLockTimeout Value
« on: April 14, 2005, 11:01 PM »
OK, I'm confused.  According to this MSKB article, setting the value of ForegroundLockTimeout to 0 is how you correct issues with windows not taking focus when expected.  But...  I don't think I ever had this problem until the value was set to 0.  Maybe I'm just nuts.

Thanks for the reply.  You replied while I was hacking out my own.   :)

ProcessTamer / ForegroundLockTimeout Value
« on: April 14, 2005, 10:44 PM »
I noticed that the install of the Process Tamer 2.0 beta changed my HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\\ForegroundLockTimeout value to 0 (from 200000).  This causes annoying problems with application windows not grabbing focus when opened.

Is it necessary for ForegroundLockTimeout to be set to 0 for Process Tamer to work properly or optimally?

Living Room / Re: Everyone happy with PayPal?
« on: April 14, 2005, 01:25 PM »
I've heard horror stories about PayPal, but I've been using them for quite a few years, and never had a problem.  I can't imagine an easier service to use.

With that said, I do keep my bank accounts out of my PayPal profile, unless I need to be "verified" for some reason.  And at that time, I'll add a bank account, then remove it ASAP afterward.  I've been meaning to establish a special bank account just for PayPal, and have only a couple hundred bucks in there, but so far it has been one of those things I never get around to.

I recently tried, and hated it.  First of all, to sell stuff, you need to create a special type of account, where try treat you like a full "vendor", which is ridiculous.  (I occasionally sell a hard drive or something similar; I don't think that makes me a "hardware vendor".)  Then, one day while Googling for my name (something I do occasionally to ferret out privacy leaks), I found my name and other private information posted on one of YowCow's pages.  I complained to them, and the page soon disappeared.  I closed my YowCow account after that.

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