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Topics - Kruskal [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Skrommel's Software / CAPshift and Windows 7
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:26 PM »
I think this might be a better forum than I chose at first.

CAPshift doesn't seem to work in Windows 7.  All the stuff in the menu that operates on the selected text does nothing.

Is this well know?

Thanks -- Vincent

Skrommel's Software / CAPshift and Windows 7
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:30 PM »
CAPshift doesn't seem to work in Windows 7.  All the stuff in the menu that operates on the selected text does nothing.

Is this well know?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Need ADH Advice
« on: May 06, 2010, 08:09 PM »
You, Skrommel, were kind enough to write a AHK program for me to provide a hotkey to display a little window showing what program owns the window under the cursor. When pushed a second time, the little window goes away. I use it all the time. (Program at end).

I tried to modify it to be a simple program, rather than a hotkey by removing this line:


It sort of works, but the feature of the second call clearing the little window is gone. I don't know the AHK script language at all.  Any idea what I did wrong.

Thanks -- Vincent

PS I wonder why you haven't made this one of your publicly available (or did I miss it). I find it invaluable.

Code: AutoIt [Select]
  1. ;AutoHotkeys.ahk
  2. ;Vincent Kruskal's Hotkeys
  3. ;Skrommel @ 2007
  4. ;Kruskal  @ 2007
  6. #SingleInstance,Force
  7. #NoEnv
  9. !^w::
  10.   If ToolTipFlag=
  11.     {
  12.       MouseGetPos,x,y,winid,ctrlid
  13.       WinGet,pid,Pid,ahk_id %winid%
  14.       path:=GetModuleFileNameEx(pid)
  15.       ToolTip,%path%
  16.       ToolTipFlag = 1
  17.     }
  18.   Else
  19.     {
  20.       ToolTip,
  21.       ToolTipFlag =
  22.     }
  24. #q::
  25.   SoundPlay,C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Sound Effects\silence.wav
  29. GetModuleFileNameEx(p_pid) ;by shimanov at www.autohotkey
  30. {
  31.    If A_OSVersion in WIN_95,WIN_98,WIN_ME
  32.    {
  33.      WinGet,name,ProcessName,ahk_id %p_pid%
  34.      Return,name
  35.    }
  36.    h_process:=DllCall("OpenProcess","uint",0x10|0x400,"int",false,"uint",p_pid) ;  PROCESS_VM_READ=0x0010  PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION=0x0400
  37.    If (ErrorLevel or h_process=0)
  38.       Return
  39.    name_size=255
  40.    VarSetCapacity(name,name_size)  
  41.    result:=DllCall("psapi.dll\GetModuleFileNameExA","uint",h_process,"uint",0,"str",name,"uint",name_size)
  42.    DllCall("CloseHandle",h_process)
  43.    Return,name
  44. }

Edit by Skwire: Added code tags.

Many keyboards, on notebooks at least, have special Vol+, Vol- and Mute buttons.  I recently bought a USB speaker and Vol+ and Vol- have no effect, except to display the normal volume bar. (Strangely Mute still works although the only way to unmute is to use a Vol button which in other ways doesn't work.)

I installed a freebie, Sound Volume Hotkeys, which is really nice for what it does -- provide shortcuts Win+Up and Win+Down to control volume and display a different, but quite nice volume bar.

But it's annoying not to be able to use the special purpose keys and especially since they still have to be used for unmute.

Is there any way for software to see the pushing of Vol+ and Vol- to be able to make this work nicely?  The controls they need to change are those displayed in Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices Properties -> Volume.  I have no idea where the volume level displayed in the volume feedback bar is stored.  Basically THAT number should get fedback to the Windows volume value.

PS If a coding snack could do this, there is one more think which would be handy.  When switching between the USB speaker to the built-in one (or unplugging the USB speaker), the definition of what speaker to use must be manually changed in Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices Properties -> Audio -> Sound playback.  What a drag!  You'd think the system would be smart enough that if the USB speaker is plugged in, I want to use it, and if not, I want to use the built in.  As it is I can be left with no sound at all. Either automating this or, at least, providing an easy shortcut to be given the choice would be great.

As usual, many thanks -- Vincent

I run Windows XP with dual monitors (sometimes).  The secondary one is a TV.  I'd like to set it up so that applications which play video start on the TV when I have dual monitors (and quietly do nothing when there is only one monitor).

Any ideas -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: WhoIsThis Hotkey
« on: June 09, 2007, 11:42 PM »
I'd find it really use for to place the mouse over a window and be told the full path name of the program that this window represents.  I don't know any way to get this information.  I can think of two ways to convey the information back to the user:

1- Pop-up a window with the name.
2- Put the name in the copy buffer.

Or, maybe, the pop-up with an INI option to also place it in the copy buffer.  Or, maybe, have a way for the mouse to tell the pop-up to place its contents in the copy buffer.

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / ACCENTS: How to Exclude Application
« on: June 09, 2007, 02:52 PM »
I have application specific hotkeys defined when I run SlingBox ("a" and "c" using PowerPro).  Depending on the relative order that PowerPro and Accents are loaded, my A and C Accents can prevent my A and C SlingBox hotkeys from functioning.  How can I exclude SlingBox from Accents?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Rerun StartUp Folder
« on: June 02, 2007, 03:53 PM »
I'd find this quite useful: a program which would rerun every program in the StartUp folder (really two folders, one for All Users and the one for the current users).  But here is the tricky part: It should only run those programs that are not already running.

There is some problem with my computer that causes some random programs not to run at I turn the system on.

Other programs, listed in the Registry, could be included too, but I've never had a problem with these not being run.

Thanks -- Vincent

Coding Snacks / Accents: Using % as a Hotkey
« on: May 25, 2007, 02:46 PM »
Is there anyway to apply Accents to the %-key?  I'd like to use it for ½, ¼ & ¾.

Thanks -- Vincent

General Software Discussion / Increasing Notebook PC Volume
« on: May 22, 2007, 04:57 PM »
Every ThinkPad I've ever owned has inadequate volume (using internal speakers).  When the sound is turned all the way up, I can hear no signs of distortion.  So I imagine that it could go louder.

Does anyone know how to get it louder?

Thanks -- Vincent

I'm looking for a utility that detects loss of power on a notebook PC and when it is reestablished.  I want a WAV file sounded in one case and ANOTHER WAV file in the other.  My BIOS will make an sound, but it is the same in both cases.

I think the trick is detecting the events.  Perhaps Windows Universal Power Supply support could be exploited.

Thanks -- Vincent

Skrommel's Software / CapShift - NumLock on IBM ThinkPads
« on: May 20, 2007, 11:29 AM »
On a ThinkPad (maybe other notebooks), NumLock shares a key with ScrollLock.  You select Numlock by Shift-ScrollLock.  CapsShift doesn't see the NumLock.  I'm guessing that it comes in looking like a Shift-NumLock.

Similarly, but less importantly, CapShift doesn't see Shift-CapsLock.

Windows treats both Shift-NumLock and Shift-CapsLock as though they were unshifted.

Thanks for the great gadget -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Global Text Replacement
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:52 PM »
I'd like a simple program that would replace all occurrences of a text string with another in all files in a directory.  I've looked around and could only find far more complex utilities with far larger prices.

Bells & Whistles: Options which I could do without:

Only process files with a given extension (or extensions or matching a pattern)
Process subfolders (or not)
Ignore case (or not)

Thanks -- Vincent

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