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Skrommel's Software / Re: CAPshift and Windows 7
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:15 PM »
Hi Vincent,

I have had the same experience myself where a coding snack no longer works.

I'm afraid that some of the older coding snacks were written before the advent of W7. Changes to the O/S will have broken those particular items. Since many users still employ older systems I assume that those 'snacks' remain for their benefit. You could try posting a request for someone to rewrite this item, always assuming that the functions are still available for manipulation.

Sorry that this one doesn't work for you but at least you now know that it's not an issue for you alone.

There is a lot more free material available that will work for you.  I hope you can have fun with some of that.

-cranioscopical (August 26, 2013, 08:44 AM)
You are not saying that anyone else has had this problem with CAPshift, in particular, right?

What is the appropriate forum to place a request for someone to look into this?

Thanks -- Vincent

Skrommel's Software / Re: CAPshift and Windows 7
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:49 AM »
I think this might be a better forum than I chose at first.

CAPshift doesn't seem to work in Windows 7.  All the stuff in the menu that operates on the selected text does nothing.

Is this well know?

Thanks -- Vincent
I also note that holding Insert until Insert mode is turned off (it says), it still is in Insert mode

Skrommel's Software / CAPshift and Windows 7
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:26 PM »
I think this might be a better forum than I chose at first.

CAPshift doesn't seem to work in Windows 7.  All the stuff in the menu that operates on the selected text does nothing.

Is this well know?

Thanks -- Vincent

Skrommel's Software / CAPshift and Windows 7
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:30 PM »
CAPshift doesn't seem to work in Windows 7.  All the stuff in the menu that operates on the selected text does nothing.

Is this well know?

Thanks -- Vincent

My memory is that setting any Force option will keep it from being "tamed", because taming by definition means changing its priority to a lower level.

So normally if one sets a process to "Force Below Normal" you are telling Process Tamer: "don't bother watching this and assigning it a low priority when it hogs the cpu, instead just always keep it below normal priority".

Can you give me an example case of when you'd want it forced to something AND at the same time want PT to watch it and reduce its priority to something else when it starts using too much of the cpu?

And, also, the original post in this thread defined the bug that this thread is about as (my words):

He used ProcessTamer to force Notepad to Below Normal. Then ProcessTamer lowered its priority due to very heavy usage. Then ProcessTamer raised its priority back to Below Normal when the abnormality cleared up.

And, then the bug, ProcessTamer kept raising the priority forever.

That's why I thought it was established that forcing priority only set a high limit and ProcessTamer would lower it as needed for CPU Smoothing.

Thanks -- Vincent

My memory is that setting any Force option will keep it from being "tamed", because taming by definition means changing its priority to a lower level.

So normally if one sets a process to "Force Below Normal" you are telling Process Tamer: "don't bother watching this and assigning it a low priority when it hogs the cpu, instead just always keep it below normal priority".

Can you give me an example case of when you'd want it forced to something AND at the same time want PT to watch it and reduce its priority to something else when it starts using too much of the cpu?
The example is in my other recent post, "Can Process Tamer tame Firefox ?". Firefox was running High and using 98%+ CPU. I don't know why it was High. If I changed it to Normal in the Task Manager, it soon went back to High. So I wanted ProcessTamer to set it Normal, but it still needed taming.

The final wrinkle of the story is that my changes to the ProcessTamer  Config tamed Firefox BUT there was nothing in the Log to show how. Changing the Config tamed it but ProcessTamer did nothing. (See the other thread.)

Thanks -- Vincent

ProcessTamer / Re: Can Process Tamer tame Firefox ?
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:37 PM »
After I posted this, I read the thread about litestep.exe, "Mouse lagging... but figured it out!".

So I looked in my log and, sure enough, it was empty -- just like the litestep.exe case.

So now there are TWO examples where ProcessTamer "tamed" something without actually doing anything.

Curious -- Vincent

ProcessTamer / Re: Can Process Tamer tame Firefox ?
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:24 PM »
I just tamed Firefox and I don't understand how ProcessTamer could have done it.

Somehow Firefox was running High Priority and was sometimes using 98%+ of the CPU. I made two changes to ProcessTamer Configuration:

1- Force it Normal
2- Move the CPU Smoother two-thirds to the left, toward "might jump the gun".

That did it! Now Firefox uses only a few percent of CPU time unless it is showing a video -- then it is 60-70%.

But why???  If Firefox wishes to use almost all the CPU and ProcessTamer stops it, I would expect Firefox to run at a crawl, starved for CPU. Not no -- it runs just fine. Why?

Thanks -- Vincent

I could have asked my question in a new thread, but it seemed to fit in here:

When I set a process Force Normal, say, is it still subject to CPU Smoothing? I assume from the above that it is and "should be". That is what I want to happen. Is it?

But in general, it seems as though it should be an option.  That is Force and Ignore are really orthogonal concepts. Am I right in this? Is this generally recognized as a possible improvement to this wonderful program?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 09, 2010, 08:31 PM »
Well in the case of rundll and scvhost, I want to know the name of the DLL file it is running. I don't know the answer with explorer.exe -- there are all sorts of services which spawn processes/windows under the explorer banner, but I don't know how to name them. Are they separate DLL files, just some subroutine within a humongous explore.exe or something else?

ProcessExplorer shows the following when holding the cursor over the process name:

rundll:    Rundll target (path and description)
svchost:  Services (and a list of service names)
explorer: Nothing special


Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 09, 2010, 06:09 PM »
Can someone think of a way to get more specific information in any or all of these cases? (Probably to be displayed in the info window as an additional line.)

What sort of specific information are you wanting?  Let us know and I'm sure we can come up with something or, at the very least, let you know that we can't.

Well in the case of rundll and scvhost, I want to know the name of the DLL file it is running. I don't know the answer with explorer.exe -- there are all sorts of services which spawn processes/windows under the explorer banner, but I don't know how to name them. Are they separate DLL files, just some subroutine within a humongous explore.exe or something else?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:35 PM »
yes, you can by adding the following code, anywhere within the Gui section. preferably before Gui, Show.
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop

Many thanks. I looked at the help file GUI entry for quite some time and couldn't find AlwaysOnTop. (Probably due to not knowing how to do a search within help text.)


Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:33 PM »
From a GUI perspective, I'd say this little tool, which I call WhoseWindow, is perfect now.

But there is one deep problem that remains, which I suspect is not possible to fix: In three cases the answer to "whose window" is so generic as to have limited usefulness, explorer, rundll and svchost.

Can someone think of a way to get more specific information in any or all of these cases? (Probably to be displayed in the info window as an additional line.)

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 08, 2010, 02:19 PM »
Does AHK GUI support forcing a window to stay on top?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 07, 2010, 06:38 PM »
How should I do it?

You had the right idea...just use the Gui, Show line.

Code: AutoIt [Select]
  1. ; Use...
  2. Gui, Show, % "x " . x . " y " . y, Kruskal ; I prefer this method which uses a forced expression.
  3. ; Or...
  4. Gui, Show, x%x% y%y%, Kruskal ; When you're first learning AHK, this method probably seems easier.

Perfect!  You guys are great.

Just a small matter of curiosity: Why does the cursor move from the upper-left corner of where the info window now appears to the middle of its header bar?

Thanks -- Vincent

I have the answer. The missing statement that prevented the behavior I expected was:

CoordMode Mouse, Screen

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:30 PM »
Try this:  http://skwire.dcmemb...s/snacks/

It's very basic right now but things could be easily added to it.  It's set to kill any existing instance but this can easily be changed to allow multiple instances.
That's fantastic.

I changed it to permit multiple instances. But that raised the issue of where the info window should go. It would be better to put it at the cursor position in the multiple info window case so that the two window don't go on top of each other.

I boldly tried to do that by changing these two lines:

Gui, Add, Button, x%x% y%y% w20  h20 Default Hide vmyButton gGuiClose, Exit
Gui, Add, Edit  , x%x% y%y% w400 h20 ReadOnly                        , % Path

But that just created randomly sized info windows. How should I do it?

Many thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 07, 2010, 01:07 AM »
What would happen if one instance of the EXE was in its delay when I make the second call to clear the tooltip? If the answer is to my liking, I could make the delay 5 hours, or so, and essentially get the behavior I want.

as it stands subsequent calls will kill the existing instance - to change that amend the opening line to

    #singleinstance, off

the only issue here is deciding what tooltip belongs to what call - plus you'll end up with XX instances of the script running concurrently (which may or may not be an issue)


I don't think the multiple instances is an issue, especially if I reduce the ridiculous 5 hour example.

But the other question is a worry. Are you saying that there can (or may be) two tooltips at once? If it's not a single instance thing, that would certainly kill my idea.

Thanks -- Vincent

What a minute-- if the second call kills the first, that is perfect. It will kill the delay (and tooltip window) and, by using the INI thing, otherwise be a nop.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 07, 2010, 01:04 AM »
What would happen if one instance of the EXE was in its delay when I make the second call to clear the tooltip? If the answer is to my liking, I could make the delay 5 hours, or so, and essentially get the behavior I want.

as it stands subsequent calls will kill the existing instance - to change that amend the opening line to

    #singleinstance, off

the only issue here is deciding what tooltip belongs to what call - plus you'll end up with XX instances of the script running concurrently (which may or may not be an issue)


I don't think the multiple instances is an issue, especially if I reduce the ridiculous 5 hour example.

But the other question is a worry. Are you saying that there can (or may be) two tooltips at once? If it's not a single instance thing, that would certainly kill my idea.

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:38 AM »
That's a disappointment.  So there is no solution consistent with my preferences?

I could make it display a small GUI window instead of using a tooltip.  This way, you could move it out of the way, leave it open as long as necessary, and close it when you're done.  Your thoughts?
If I knew how to do it it would be great. Even better than what I am used to -- closing a window is more natural that hotkeying a second time. AND I could even have two GUI windows up at the same time.

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:35 AM »
further to skwires explanation here's an example that writes to an ini file, but as he says, as soon as the exe...umm... exits, any windows or values are lost


and the only reason this one works is because there's a short delay at the end to display the tooltip...

seems like the original solution might still be the best one for your situation

just out of curiosity is there any reason why you couldn't translate the script into powerpro?  I suspect this may alleviate a lot of the issues you're experiencing (don't ask me, I don't know the language, but my feeling is that it shouldn't be that hard to do... hehe, famous last words...)  

What would happen if one instance of the EXE was in its delay when I make the second call to clear the tooltip? If the answer is to my liking, I could make the delay 5 hours, or so, and essentially get the behavior I want.

My reason not to write a PowerPro script is that I understand THAT even less than my deplorable knowledge of AHK.  Also, I'd probably run into the same problem.  And also, I think tooltip is an AHK facility, no?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:13 AM »
I'm not at my main computer right now, but I'm pretty sure that you are wrong. The little window showing the window owning program stays displayed after the program exits (as I recall).

It stayed showing because you had a second hotkey (#q::) defined in the script which made the script never exit/end.
I was wondering about that. I probably added that at some point. Any idea why I wanted to have a hotkey sound silence????

I could live with the timeout, but I really don't prefer it. I frequently have to do a lot of stuff based on the information and I'd have to write it down.

How about displaying it while simultaneous copying the data to your clipboard?
Cute idea (if I knew how to do it). But I really don't need a copy of the information -- I need to act on it.

What happened to the INI solution? I was looking forward to details.

The fact is, without some sort of delay, that type of script will start, run the code, and exit in the blink of an eye.  When it exits, it destroys any tooltip created.  

That's a disappointment.  So there is no solution consistent with my preferences?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 06, 2010, 11:43 PM »
Actually...if you change it into an executable, the tooltip will disappear almost immediately after starting the script because the script exits immediately.  This app could be made to show the tooltip, say, for five seconds and then exit thus making the tooltip disappear on its own.  In other words:

1) Run you hotkey to start the app.
2) App displays tooltip for user-specified length of time.
3) App exits and tooltip disappears.  There would be no need to run the hotkey a second time to make the tooltip disappear.

Would that work for you?
I'm not at my main computer right now, but I'm pretty sure that you are wrong. The little window showing the window owning program stays displayed after the program exits (as I recall).

I could live with the timeout, but I really don't prefer it. I frequently have to do a lot of stuff based on the information and I'd have to write it down.

What happened to the INI solution? I was looking forward to details.

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 06, 2010, 11:27 PM »
the reason it's not working for you without the hotkey (and I'm assuming you're compiling it) is that it resets the flag every time and the code that clears the tooltip is never called
I'd like to understand how variables, such as tooltipflag work, such that it keeps its value over two AHK calls but not over two calls from PowerPro.

What is the significance of your (true) assumption that I compiled the code?  Would it work as I wanted if I didn't compile it?

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 06, 2010, 11:21 PM »
I tried to modify it to be a simple program
What was your expectation after doing this?
I expected that using PowerPro to support the hotkey to call the simple program would behave the same as it had with the AHK hotkey.

Thanks -- Vincent

Post New Requests Here / Re: Need ADH Advice
« on: May 06, 2010, 09:41 PM »
if you remove the hotkey, how do you fire the script off?

i think the answer is to use a delay then to destroy the tooltip (but the above still applies...) 

note that the code is untested, but I've just omitted the unnecessary lines so it should work as is


I use PowerPro to issue the EXE compiled from the AHK code. I've been having trouble with some timing problem which reorders my keystrokes when the computer is stressed. I thought switching to just one key grabber might fix it.

I can see how the delay would work and it might be OK. But I really prefer the previous behavior. How did the original work wrt making the little window disappear everyother use?

Thanks -- Vincent

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