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Living Room / Re: Interesting Discovery Involving Rented Servers
« on: April 29, 2009, 10:26 AM »
Didn't know it happens in server-land. You'd think people would have half a clue...

Most people assume the hosting company wipes the drive before reusing it. Obviously they don't. Most just do a simple format, which leaves all the data intact.

eg: mk2fs -j /dev/sda1 - which is what your typical GNU/Linux distro install cd runs to format the hd, does not null the hd. It only creates the inodes table to hold the links of files to the raw data. (like the file allocation table in fat16/32 or the master file table on ntfs)

Most people, including hosting companies, just figure that when they delete the partition, and reinstall another OS, all old data is gone.

Living Room / Re: Intresting discovery involving rented servers
« on: April 29, 2009, 09:13 AM »
It's quite a disturbing discovery with some serious implications.

Hollow's server is a GNU/Linux server, and he was able to tell, just from looking at the raw harddrive data (which is a simple oneliner command on GNU/Linux: eg: strings /dev/sda), that the previous user ran windows on it. He was able to retrieve pieces of registry data, emails, and other data.

What this means:
  • Say you decide to move hosts, or discontinue a server, the next person that gets your hard drive (hosting companies recycle a lot, of course), also gets all of your data, if you don't properly wipe your hard drive before discontinuing the server.
  • When you get a new server, all the old data is still floating around on the hard drive, just invisible to your OS.
    This means that if your server were ever subjected to an investigation by authorities for whatever reason, and the old owner had illegal material on it, they could easily think it's data you deleted.
    Thus it is a good idea to not only wipe the hard drive when leaving a host, but also when getting a new server.

How to properly wipe data:

Obviously, if the data survives a reformat, it will also survive when you simply delete the files.

The only way to be certain the data is gone, is by actually overwriting the physical data on the disk with random data.

On GNU/Linux there is an utility called 'shred' which offers a secure way of removing files by overwriting the physical data multiple times with random data, unlike 'rm' which only removes the links to the physical data, so the file 'appears' gone.

Alternatively you can use dd to overwrite the entire harddrive like so:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
(where sda = the harddrive to erase of course)

Perhaps someone can give some tips on what to use on windows servers to properly wipe data.
The problem on windows is that the OS typically stops working when it's erasing itself :) (which is not the case on *nix when you use a statically linked application that can run from memory, like dd).

I have always been aware that data is not removed after a reformat or after removing a file. Though I must admit I never connected the dots, thinking about the implications when it comes to server hosting.
I think this practical experiment hollow did, clearly illustrates that the dangers of not wiping data are real!
Thanks hollow!

How about making viewing easier, but still allow for sorting.

Keep what you have, but add buttons on top for 'sort by'...

I don't see why you would all of a sudden have to lose your sorting ability using this UI approach...

And yes, great post :)

wow! kinda harsh...
I don't know :) My initial idea was making it black-on-black so nobody can read it! (without selecting the text or viewing it in a text browser)

Maybe I should do a browser detection. If javascript is enabled:
" Error. Javascript is enabled. Please use a browser without javascript support. "

(Like the reverse of what some sites do)

Developer's Corner / Re: Panda3d - nice looking new 3d game engine
« on: April 21, 2009, 02:20 AM »
Correcting my ancient previous post here...

Panda is 100% open now and making great progress.

It's really great to use, both in python and C++.

The new maintainer of the FOSS release is putting more effort in the C++ documentation.
I am currently using the C++ side of things in a project, and it's been great to work with.
They just released 1.6.0 which has a lot of nice additions.

This is a really great engine. Whether you're wanting to make the next great mmorpg or you're just learning to code. (Disney's pirates mmorpg was made using this engine)

.. Of course, the opposite is true as well:
Why should I make a switch button when 99% of the internet that makes MY eyes hurt doesn't have one.

Well, I'm fully aware that my preferences are not most people's preferences, I hope I made that clear. That's why I stressed that 'one size fits all' never works.

I really wish I could read it but that color makes it almost impossible for me.  I can only make it a few words before needing to look away.

if green on black doesn't make you warm and fuzzy, then the posts probably won't be for you to begin with. :)

That said, you can view it in a text-browser and use any colors in your terminal you want. That's why I made it text-browser friendly :)

Here it is in lynx, with a lower contrast, just by editing the terminal colors:


Honestly, I really dislike browsing the internet. I can't stand looking at white backgrounds, they make my head hurt, and that's what popular on the net for some reason.
In my point of view, web DESIGN is the worst thing that ever happened to the net. Web pages have become similar in design to paper magazines, from typography, images, to even the white paper.
Javascript, flash, web2.0 mirror backgrounds, big banner images, all the commercialism. It all just makes the http:// very unpleasant for me. I know that the rest of the world probably feels the opposite, but oh well... :) That's why I am not a web designer. :D I couldn't stand it. I'd rather die than bowing to my client's wishes.
I can hear them coming already: "I WANT A BLINKING THINGY WITH MUSIC!"...

Now we have to worry about css hacks, browser compatibility, and apparently even colors... I really think we'd be better off with plain text, and let any one use any colors they want in their browser. One size does not fit all. Never-ever.

And that's what web-design has done to us. Forcing a particular design upon us. If I change my browser background to black, for example, half the sites on the internet become unreadable because some sites force black text, and you can't read black on black.

If I force both foreground and background colors in my browser, then things look ugly as all hell, because of websites using images with bright colors in their design, which would directly clash with my settings.
I imagine people with accessibility issues face the same thing every day.

The web should be about content. Leave design to the realm of physical paper magazines. Let users use whatever setting they want in their browser.

Many, if not most things I do are done from my terminal window, making all applications look uniform, with the same colors etc... Every time I fire up a web browser, my choice, my preferences, my settings, they all go out the window because of some bloke that thought it'd be fun to give content a 'design'.

Nothing personal, Veign! You're still a great person :D Rant was against state of the www, not an attack on your profession ;)

All of it is just personal opinion which is subject to error and change, and so out of sync with the world that it's not even funny. Often I think these things and don't rant about them, because ranting about them seems so pointless. All I'm doing is telling people I'm a weirdo :D See first post on the linkerror ramblings site for disclaimer :D

Well he's finally been convinced

More like, pushed nagged, prodded, poked and shoved into compliance by mouser :lol: He gives me too much credit. :)

The theme has had some minor changes since the tarball I uploaded there. I'll just create a section for it on where updates can be grabbed from.
It's a very minimal theme though. I got rid of many if not most wordpress features because they would be too crowding or not needed.

I really can't agree with you're nr 2 and 3, sorry :)

Linux is a kernel not a guideline, nor a standard.
The way distributions lay out their file system however, is pretty much 100% a mix of historical reasons and maintaining compatibility with various applications. And yeah, there ARE standards. POSIX is a standard, not a guideline.

I won't even comment on 2. It's just completely false. I see more amateurism on windows than elsewhere honestly. Do I have to mention all those folks that discover visual basic and think they suddenly are a developer?

Inertia is probably the main reason why anything is the way it is.

Got any workable ideas for how to best accomplish that?
Yeah, get rid of the symlinks and compatibility layers. If developers want to their apps to run on your distro, they had better stick to good coding practices. It's the only way to change the situation. Every time a compatibility layer is added, developers have less incentive to change their ways.

Which is very poor coding practice at best. No. Correction. It's just plain wrong. Developers should (and hopefully do) know better than that. Heck, even Microsoft knows better than that.

True of course, but reality is that they don't. :) 
(oh, and Microsoft has plenty of hard-coded paths in their software btw)

desperately needs to be replaced with something that makes more sense.
I'm all for that, but I'd love to see a cleaner solution than hiding folders and multiple layers of symlinks ..

Ok, I tried gobo.

It seems it makes heavy use of symlinks to force it's own hiearchy, and hides the traditional folders. Example:

gobohide --unhide /lib
gobohide --unhide /bin
gobohide --unhide /dev
ls -ahl /lib /bin /dev
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 24 2008-03-30 03:55 /bin -> System/Links/Executables
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 21 2008-03-30 03:55 /dev -> System/Kernel/Devices
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 21 2008-03-30 03:55 /lib -> System/Links/Libraries
gobohide --unhide /usr
cd /usr
ls -ahl
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 27 2008-03-30 03:55 bin -> ../System/Links/Executables
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 23 2008-03-30 03:55 include -> ../System/Links/Headers
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 25 2008-03-30 03:55 lib -> ../System/Links/Libraries
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 1 2008-03-30 03:55 local -> .
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 23 2008-03-30 03:55 man -> ../System/Links/Manuals
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 23 2008-03-30 03:55 sbin -> ../System/Links/Executables
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 22 2008-03-30 03:55 share -> ../System/Links/Shared
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gobo gobo 1 2008-03-30 03:55 X11R6 -> .

It's an interesting concept but I can't see myself using it because:

  • There is no utility to check installed packages for vulnerabilities such as glsacheck on gentoo or portaudit on bsd.
  • Many applications use hardcoded paths, their compatibility 'solution' of hiding the traditional filesystem with gobohide is a hack at best. Sorry, but no thanks :) And if you're going to use a hack, nullfs+union sounds like a cleaner way to do this than symlinks imo. 
  • Very few packages, and little up-to-date ones. Being able to create your own recipes is nice, but I can make gentoo ebuilds or freebsd ports just as easily, and both do have a decent package collection. In the end it would just be more hassle.

Also, for some reason they put libraries under programs. Personally i would have separated them. A dynamically loadable lib is not a program. Why call pears, apples? As a developer i find it handy to have all libs under the same folder. having them mixed in with all programs present on the system is just a big pain, not to mention a mess.

Living Room / Re: Conficker - The Facts
« on: April 09, 2009, 08:21 PM »
I am getting timeouts / "...cannot display web page".
Could be my security software/settings... trying to determine.
Thought I would confirm the links were valid first.
They work for me.

When you finish reading about Gobo, try downloading and giving it a try. It's an enlightening experience realizing how much better Linux could be if it would just abandon some of its more traditional ways of thinking.

Interesting... I'll give it a go.


Ran across this interesting read, explaining some of the history of the /usr folder :


The article suggests a very nice way to have all binaries into the same folder (ie, unite /bin and /usr/bin) on FreeBSD using nullfs and union.

I found the historical bit about the magnetic tapes for / and a faster disk for /usr was particularly interesting :)

I figured I'd share the link... :)

In fact, I think it's the same amount of clicks, just a different 'error' msg

that way FF would bitch less
Not much less :) The only reason I haven't even bothered is because ff still makes you do 3 or 4 (haven't counted?) clicks just for a self-signed cert.

That sounds plain weird - a crashing usermode program causing a BSOD? Never had that happen O_o
It's weird, I don't know how either, but it happened. And it has happened before with msvc, though I don't remember if it actually went as far as a bsod last time, but this time it did.
The bsod came 2 seconds or so after the regular segfault msgbox, so there is a small chance it's unrelated, who the heck knows...

I'm a *nix user, so I barely ever use Windows. However, my last bsod happens to be the last time i booted windows :D

MSVC compiler somehow crashed, bsod followed. So, no, for me the reputation is still valid ;)

If only DC had a SSL cert that didn't make firefox throw hissy fits...

If only firefox didn't throw hissy fits, extorting money out of people so they would buy ssl certificates :)

I tend to be the first to applaud security measures, but https is just broken.
It is trying to serve 2 purposes, which should be separate things.

1) making sure you're talking to who you think you are talking to
2) provide encryption

#1 is not possible without having certificate authority bodies (which right now, is a bussiness.) and i'm all for FF throwing hissy fits when you may be talking to an attacker.

However, when all you want is encryption, a self-signed cert is more than fine. The fact that anyone that wants to implement encryption without forking out the money for #1, gets harassed by web browsers, is deterring people from using and/or implementing encryption at all, which is a very very bad thing for security.

Living Room / Re: Tech News Weekly: Edition 13-09
« on: March 31, 2009, 01:05 AM »
Do either of you (Goth Man and J Man) block them also?
I block google's cookies, yes.

Living Room / Re: Tech News Weekly: Edition 13-09
« on: March 28, 2009, 07:56 PM »
IMO this headline is a little sensationalist, but I'm not the first on this forum to say that I'm finding Google's results to be less and less relevant as time goes on. Perhaps they've noticed too...

I've actually already had it happen on numerous occasions that I couldn't find ANY relevant information with google at all, but altavista did. Usually when you're looking for more unpopular/obscure stuff. I'm not a fan of google nor altavista. I find the altavista results in general worse, but for some reason every once and a while it does better with obscure searches.

Living Room / Re: Google thinks donationcoder has malware
« on: March 02, 2009, 01:05 AM »
Interestingly enough, mouser's computer completely broke down as he was reading this post, thinking something very nasty had happened to the site. Called me up in panic :)
It turns out that several capacitors on one of his video cards had popped(exploded), thus not only explaining the badly-timed breakdown but also why he's been hearing mystery electrical pop's the past few days.

Is it just me that's dull, or isn't there any screenshots on the silkroad site? O_o


We had a review in 2006 with screenshots :)

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