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Living Room / Re: Your favorite cartoons of yesterday and today?
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:54 AM »
Gary Larson's The Far Side - such as Cat Fud (BTW, I'm a 'cat person'). (:

An all-time favorite; Love Is - "...checking your feelings", "...a life-line".

The Flash player crashes seem to come and go in waves, mostly when playing online vids.
Sometimes it merely crashes Flash player but not the browser, sometimes it locks up the entire browser.
Or sometimes it just suddenly goes into a BSOD.
Sometimes everything is fine, I get off the net, click on 'shut down', and it suddenly gives a BSOD in the middle of shut down.
I always reboot, and run 'Create restore point', to prevent failure of reboot from future BSODs.
Rarely, almost never, does it crash when playing a non-Browser vid that is already on the HD or DVD.
All my online activity goes through a tunneled & encrypted proxie.

Living Room / Re: Your favorite cartoons of yesterday and today?
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:54 AM »
Can I mention some single-panel black & white cartoons?
The original Addams Family cartoons, such as this, this, and this.
Then there was the Kliban Cats cartoon.
And just for Mouser, here's one by S. Gross.

I read it with interest and tried to understand what I could and liked what I saw but it was a little over my head.
I would not mind purchasing a finished product that was in the under-$50 US range, with plug & play functionality and it wouldn't hurt if it was idiot(me)-proof. (:
Tnx Ren.


My friend told me that Pluto wasn't considered a planet.
He must think I'm stupid or something,
Everyone knows he's a dog.

"It's a small world." said the Alien.
When he bumped into his old friend on Pluto.

As the space probe is nearing the end of its journey, one scientist is heard shouting, "What do you mean that isn't Pluto?!"

My friend was reading a science journal about the Solar System today.
Confused, he said to me "I thought Pluto was a planet? It isn't listed as one here, why's that?"
I think it's pretty self ex-planetary.

When scientists decided to down-grade Pluto from a 'planet' to a 'dwarf planet' in 2006 , I had to relearn everything I knew about Pluto.
Fortunately, the only thing I knew about Pluto was that it was a planet.

Logical Fallacies, the illustrated guide. Nice.  :)

If you like logic, argumentation, and fallacies, you'll enjoy this:

Oh, and if you like football, that's a bonus too. :)
^luv it! (:
How about 'polidiotically correct'?

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:38 AM »
Any time-travelers here want to comment on this article?

I already did, next Thursday.

Have you seen my reply to that?
^ ;D

Here's a collection of fascinating animated 3-D animations by Eugene Khutoryansky,  explaining natural laws, for instance; Eletromagnetism - Maxwell's Laws vid.
It's great stuff!

But as for quantum mechanics, I also found this web site supposedly debunking the wave-particle duality paradox;
quote: "The wave-particle duality paradox of quantum mechanics is resolved here."

Living Room / Re: Be prepared against ransomware viruses..
« on: July 14, 2015, 12:25 PM »
FWIW, found this vid on YT called Script Kiddie Logs into a Honey Pot.
Published on Oct 10, 2012
quote: "I'm running a honeypot using Kippo and someone managed to guess the password (hint: it was password) and played around a bit. As this video shows, he doesn't seem to know much of what he's doing - he misspells many commands, gets frustrated, and finally just deletes the entire filesystem. His IP placed him in southern China."

Living Room / Re: The Movie and Book Writing Thread
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:47 AM »
kyrathaba, can you tell us more about Spunky exe? Did you write it yourself, or find it? Is there a web page for it or a video? More information on what it does, etc.?

It's an AHK script I wrote that incorporates some of the AutoCorrect.ahk script and has some additions of my own. Basically, it uses hotstrings and replaces some errors "on the fly" -- mainly misspellings.

The pseudonym choice for the other three books was due to concerns that family members would identify some themes/characters as being reflections of themselves, if they knew I was the author ;)

Branding is important, but after two years of dipping my toes in this writing industry, I think the majority of Kindle authors are posers, exaggerating their reported sales, etc.
Oh yeah, hey, that's one of the best ways to create realistic characters with good back stories; name them all after your closest friends, relatives, and neighbors, work up a good narrative, and then forget to change out the names for fictional ones just before publishing. :D jk

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:39 AM »
Any vid on YT by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu,
Genres J-pop, dance-pop, EDM, glitch, bubblegum pop, electropop
such as PONPONPON (82 million hits).
Or Ring Ring.

Living Room / Re: The Movie and Book Writing Thread
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:48 PM »
^Awesome! Keep writing your apps & great literature!  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: reverse smilie (:
« on: July 09, 2015, 06:14 PM »
smilie reverse 2.jpg
Okay, this is someone using a reverse smilie. (:

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 09, 2015, 12:14 AM »
Incidentally, speaking of AI, if you don't want your child's RI (real intelligence) and intellectual growth stunted, here are some vid exposees on sources of mercury and how it is toxic to brain cells;
smoking teeth poison gas
Mercury-silver amalgam dental fillings should be replaced with white resin or tooth caps.

What's In A Flu Shot
I'm not against vaccines, just the toxic and totally unnecessary mercury (thimerosol) additive and a few other toxins, which could easily be replaced with safer preservatives for a slight cost increase.

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:46 PM »
^Contrariwise if you try the endlessly repeated "...but why?" trick on a sufficiently young child, say age 6 or 7, they (he or she) will realize instinctively you have caught them in a trap (similar to Star Trek's Spock instructing the renegade computer to calculate pi to the infinite decimal place), but be unable to intellectually conceptualize and encapsulate how to crack it and argue their way out.
This will be seen in the child becoming increasingly frustrated at your "...but why?" gambit and resorting to more and more emotional demonstrations of frustration combined with shared amusement at the 'joke', while failing to 'think outside of the box' and put a stop to your silly nonsense.
"Because..." (child)
"...but why?" (you)
"...but why?"
"...but why?"
"...but why?"
They know you're pulling a fast one over on them, but cannot find sufficient justification to shed the unspoken obligation to give a meaningful answer to each new "...but why?" from you.

OTOH, try this on, say, a slightly more intellectually mature child of age 8, 9, or especially 10 on up, and they'll crack the intellectual trap and nail you for it.

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 08, 2015, 10:14 PM »
Google Made a Chatbot That Debates the Meaning of Life

This is more important of a discovery/result than you might think. It's a huge new step in "artificial intelligence" because unlike the typical need in early-generation scientific studies to keep muddying factors out of study parameters, there's nothing stopping a mix of iterative machine-learn/hand-code/machine-learn/hand-code.

You can build an "AI" out of modules. You might catch it twice-per-module-shift but then you would with real people too. Then once it knows "what it is talking about", that local expertise module comes into use.

And the "meaning of life" module is important because that's one of the famous categories in "Loebner 1.0" style contests to bust up the machine. But if it can almost sound like a burnt out college student, then when the questioner gets bored of his/her/(its?) "little joke", the convo goes back to the "meaty topic" and the comp just keeps right on going shifting modules again.

To me this is one of the raw fundamental fears we expressed in early scifi about machines/robots, because you just keep loading these convo engines aka "brains" at high speed en masse, and suddenly humans feel threatened because it takes us exhaustively long to gain our own experience and the comp just gets pushed a new module in minutes.

Notice how anti-AI folks keep using versions of "No True Scotsman" to hold back recognition that AI is coming. Once you have a comp mind engine that can do seventy things moderately well, what is left for a person of personhood?

Actually, little kids already have a time-honored AI response to everything they wish to mock (or truly lack adult understanding of).
"...but why?" (repeated 1,000,000X in response to increasingly detailed and exasperated adult-level explanations).

Living Room / Re: The Movie and Book Writing Thread
« on: July 07, 2015, 03:54 AM »
Three more books, each under a different pseudonym.
how fascinating!!! can you tell us more about the books and why use a different pseudonym for each? I would have thought it would be beneficial to establish a name..
^Agreed and curious; one would think it extremely valuable to establish a name and go with it.

Here is some info on how to set up pen names at, which is most interesting.

I cannot reveal the name of my co-author, which prevents me from revealing my own name.
In setting up co-authorship at Amazon Kindle, I found out they will only pay royalties into one bank account, not two, so suitable arrangements must be made to accommodate this limitation somehow.

Living Room / Re: reverse smilie (:
« on: July 03, 2015, 07:29 PM »
^beautiful! (: heehee.^^ luv it.

Living Room / Re: reverse smilie (:
« on: July 03, 2015, 04:09 AM »
It makes more sense in RTL langauges than in LTR languages. :)
I think it also makes great counter-culture. (:
And I'm finding a lot of web sites & apps that automatically transform the colon + right parenthesis into a yellow emoticon, which don't know what to do with (: and leave it in its original form, which is kind of cool (to me).

A search for (: at both DuckDuckGo and Google turns up 'no results'.
This means I've learned how to 'drop out' with a smile. (:

Living Room / reverse smilie (:
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:47 AM »
I saw somewhere where someone was using reverse smilies, like this:  (:
-instead of this:  :)
Later on, someone told me yes it's a real smilie emoticon but only Unix users use it.

Living Room / Re: The Movie and Book Writing Thread
« on: June 29, 2015, 11:21 PM »
^Like a 'book doctor'? For free? Wow, that's very commendable and unusual.
Usually people charge considerably for that kind of thing. :)

I couldn't decide whether to comment in this or mouser's Be prepared against ransomware viruses... thread, and decided this post is more a literary than a technical observation.
Ransomware viruses remind me of an AI form of the movies Black Widow and Praying Mantis (1993); the virus enters the computer's domain under the guise of romance, enchants the victim, then turns serial killer extorting for money.

Living Room / Re: Be prepared against ransomware viruses..
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:52 PM »
Reading your messages I get perplexed. You talk about things that already exist for many years.
Hi Giampy, your next post will be your 400th, in case you might want to go to the;
When you make your 100'th Post thread
and make your 400th post there.  :Thmbsup:

^Yes, if you meant me, the keywords 'already exist for many years', 'LaBrea', and 'prehistoric' made for a string with some unintentional dry wit.  ;D

Living Room / Re: Be prepared against ransomware viruses..
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:41 PM »
I remember LaBrea.  The original author almost abandoned the project, citing potential legal action against him because the nature of LaBrea goes against certain provisions of the Federal Wiretap Act, namely:
Any person who intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication…intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection; intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection…

Basically, LaBrea does exactly that; intercepts electronic communication.  How that actually would play out in the courts is another matter, as TechRepublic's John McCormick pointed out back in 2003:
You probably think that this is a really stupid idea—the concept that you could be violating the law merely by monitoring what a trespasser does on a system you own. But that’s just your common sense speaking, and any lawyer will tell you that the law has little or nothing to do with common sense.

I think the honeypot concept mouser is talking about involves more of a "mousetrap" aspect; an application places a special file or fake network connection that looks (to a ransomware program) like something it would want to access and modify, but is in fact actively monitored by said 'honeypot' application such that when the file or network is accessed, the process doing the access is immediately targeted and shut down.  Sounds like a good idea to me; how to implement?  Beyond me.
Yes, I made a note of highlighting the LaBrea article's prehistoric date, partly in hopes that an updated version might address such legal or technical concerns.
But I knew it was a long shot from the get-go.
Mouser's thread at least made me aware of the danger, to the point that I've added a second backup DVD for work I do, that I keep physically removed from my machine.

Living Room / Re: Be prepared against ransomware viruses..
« on: June 28, 2015, 12:27 AM »
Does anyone know of any mainstream security software that uses a "honeypot" approach of watching for certain files being modified?  i.e. which tries to catch these kinds of ransomware evils by catching and killing them as soon as they try to modify a document that the security software knows should never be changed/deleted.
I don't even understand the procedural explanation on this, let alone the technical end, but it does mention your keyword honeypot:
Tarpit tool sticks it back to teenage mutant Nimda worm
"The tool, called LaBrea, creates a tarpit ("sticky honeypot") by making use of unused IP addresses on a network and creates "virtual machines" that answer to connection attempts

LaBrea answers those connection attempts generated by worms in a way that causes an infected machine at the other end to get "stuck", sometimes for a very long time."
article date - Sept 21, 2001

Living Room / Re: The Movie and Book Writing Thread
« on: June 27, 2015, 09:32 AM »
I'm not knocking the 'Ren test' at all and think it's way cool.  8)  :Thmbsup:
Bad punctuation is to be avoided at all costs.

On the comic relief side, may I offer Victor Borge's Phonetic Punctuation.

Personally, in pursuit of better writing, I would like to offer a method which I call simply 'headphone review'; play back what you've written paragraph by paragraph in text-to-speech on headphones or speakers, and see how it sounds.
As a general rule, if it plays well, it will read well. :)
I've caught more bad writing and typos that way.

I've become something of a 'minimalist' writer myself.
Whatever seems obvious or redundant, I try to weed it out.
For instance; 'He was wearing a black colored tee-shirt.'
Revised; 'He wore a black tee-shirt' ('colored' is self-evident and redundant).

And I've begun shying away from time-related words, such as now, suddenly, then, and so on.
The text just seems so much cleaner and clearer without them.

BTW, in compositional mode I write 'normally' with multi-sentence paragraphs, but when posting to DC, I prefer one sentence per line b/c it helps me with clearer thinking.
I'm also something of a compulsive reediting fanatic with my DC posts.  
In lieu of a 'signature' my posts always seem to say 'Last Edit:' at the bottom. :D

Living Room / Re: The Movie and Book Writing Thread
« on: June 25, 2015, 05:11 PM »
"Stand behind your work. Take into consideration people's criticism, but don't allow negative comments to bring you down, and make you doubt your abilities. If you have something to say, or a story to tell, just tell it. You can't please everyone, so if you feel good about it, then it's perfect." - Alena Parker

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