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Messages - hamradio [ switch to compact view ]

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Mircryption / Re: Mircryption for Mirc 6.35
« on: June 28, 2018, 10:43 AM »
I'm trying to locate an installer version for MIRC 6.35.  Any help would be appreciated.  I'm not a coder.

Download from:

If you need to use an older version of mIRC, the oldest version we can recommend, that includes security fixes up to that version, is mIRC v6.35 and can be downloaded here. Please note that this older version is no longer being updated.

First let me begin by saying I am in no way affiliated with QGIS...Now that said...

I've been playing around with QGIS recently.  It seem's to do a great job with GIS related tools and thought I would share a weather map I created with several different shapefiles that are found online.

Here is one I did tonight of storm reports in the USA in the last 24 hours from the time I created it.

Note: Click to open thumb, then right click and open image in a new tab and zoom for the full detail of it.

As for the program website you can find it @

The data for that one came from IEM @

Anyone else heard of/used it and have any thoughts of their own to share?


This photo was snapped Sunday of him stretching.

Hi there! I LOVE Screenshot Captor!!  Just having an issue with the taskbar (menu bar?  like "File/Edit/Capture...etc").  On my Desktop PC, it's been appearing on the left for some time, between the main screen and the screenshot panel.  On my laptop, it appears at the top, where I want it.  How can I get it to change so it appears at the top? 

On PC, I've got v. 4.21.1.  On laptop, I have 4.29.0 (latest), in case it makes a difference -- speaking of which, how do I upgrade the one on my PC to the latest version?
-KatFisch999 (May 08, 2018, 05:03 PM)

Just another Screenshot Captor user, but try clicking near the top of it and while holding mouse button down drag to the top before the title bar.  Seems to work for me to move it like that and back. :up:

This is one of those cases where I was asking for something specific (OpenCV+Python) when I really should have asked about OCR in general and seen what knowledge people had on the subject.

As mentioned in the OP, I wanted something that would allow me to analyze a screenshot for certain words and values and then make decisions based on that. It didn't necessarily have to be with OpenCV or Python. That was just the only way I knew of that made such an idea possible.

I'm much more familiar with C# and .NET so I decided to look for some sort of OpenCV wrapper that would allow me to program in C#. I found some, but while researching the topic further, I discovered that Microsoft has a Computer Vision library built in to the UWP SDK. So I can just have a line near the top of my code saying:

Code: C# [Select]
  1. using Windows.Media.Ocr;

And voila! I've got OCR in my C# code.

Of course, this also means that I need to build/deploy a UWP app, which I'm also not very familiar with, but at least it's using a language and environment I'm familiar with.

All that said, while experimenting with the Windows OCR, my immediate need for this whole project was accidentally fulfilled so I haven't been pursuing it at the moment. But if/when I pick it up again I'll probably start with UWP and if that doesn't work then I may look more into OpenCV again.


Just saw this topic but...

This OpenCV wrapper I found looks pretty good to me and I might have to make note to use it at some point down the road too:

Now, if I only knew what CMS means.....???

Content Management System :Thmbsup:

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
« on: April 17, 2018, 12:11 PM »
A review I stumbled across...

Thanks to a free software called Color Warlock, now you do not have to download these HTML color code charts from the internet. Rather you can create your own color charts on your own PC at the click of a button. Color Warlock shows a list of colors as you launch the program. These colors are displayed in small boxes of respective colors, along with the respective RGB color codes and the hex color codes (also called the HTML color codes).
-Trisha @ TrishTech

URL: https://www.trishtec...ur-own-color-charts/

Thank you :]
-ConstanceJill (April 16, 2018, 01:11 PM)

You're Welcome :)

Yeah, it's OK :)

By the way there's a very minor issue: while the tooltip which appears when hovering the mouse over a button does show the command as it will be ran (removing whitespace at the beginning and end), the one that appears in the status bar does not.
-ConstanceJill (April 16, 2018, 03:55 AM)

Thanks! That minor detail should be fixed in the minor update to build 2.

Yes, that would be the idea: only ignore those at the beginning and end, since those are likely to be introduced by mistake when copying and pasting.
Thanks a lot!

Edit: now that I think a bit more about it, I can't quite see any reason not to ignore whitespace as long as it's only at the beginning and end of the variable string but... anyway, it's still good to have the option, I guess :D
-ConstanceJill (April 13, 2018, 02:26 PM)

Hope the new checkbox layout is okay for you as well. If not I can change them around, but they all wouldn't fit on the top line so I moved the variable one's to the middle bottom.

Hey there .o/

I've been thinking about a possible improvement : since having spaces in the variable field can prevent some commands from working (but not always, and one might even want to add parameters that way), how about adding a checkbox option in the add/edit button window for that button to automatically "remove" spaces from the variable string before passing it to the command?

Note: then it would be nice if the tooltip that shows the command preview and status of the "run confirmation" also stated about that.
-ConstanceJill (April 13, 2018, 03:31 AM)

Just from the left and right side of the variable correct?

I decided to go on and do the above as figured it was the most logical. It is now updated and can find the link on original post.  :Thmbsup:

Note: It does not remove the whitespace from the variable combo, but will ignore it if set to when it is needed, so that the combo entry is normal behavior.

Hey there .o/

I've been thinking about a possible improvement : since having spaces in the variable field can prevent some commands from working (but not always, and one might even want to add parameters that way), how about adding a checkbox option in the add/edit button window for that button to automatically "remove" spaces from the variable string before passing it to the command?

Note: then it would be nice if the tooltip that shows the command preview and status of the "run confirmation" also stated about that.
-ConstanceJill (April 13, 2018, 03:31 AM)

Just from the left and right side of the variable correct?

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Color Warlock
« on: April 11, 2018, 02:45 PM »
A quick update of Color Warlock was released with the new check for update url and also the new url for the site in the About dialog. No other features was included in this minor update.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Living Room / - 13th Anniversary Wallpaper
« on: April 07, 2018, 09:37 PM »
Enjoy! :Thmbsup:

Size(s) Available: 1920x1080

Yip, true, thank you hamradio, looked at the properties, which tells it is version

No problem and welcome to the forums by the way. :Thmbsup:

Can you please provide a download link instead of pointing to the ScreenCaptor Homepage?
I honestly cannot find a link to the new version on that page, only a link to the old 4.21.0 version.
Thank you.

I think mouser just forgot to update the information on the page as the download should be the new one.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (download)
« on: February 24, 2018, 10:29 AM »
Could you go into a bit more detail here?

Isn't that the week numbers to the left of each month calendar or am I missing something?

Code: Text [Select]
  3. <-- Info on how to submit.

It will make a good entry for NANY 2019.

I agree it will make a good entry for NANY 2019.  :) :up:

By the way, I thought I probably should provide a screenshot of the program with a few more buttons than on the screenshots from the download page, so here's how it looks like on my workstation (I only disabled a few buttons related to some very specific stuff from my workplace, and translated the captions to English, since my usual ones are in french):
[ Invalid Attachment ]

Feel free to use that screenshot for the download page if you like ;)

Thanks and page updated. I must say I haven't really had a need for it as I don't have as much/if any remote work to do, so thank you for the more appropriate screenshot. :) :up:

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / Re: NANY 2018 Mug showoff
« on: February 09, 2018, 09:12 PM »
Today the NANY2018 mugs I ordered arrived. As usual, mouser demands we post pictures :P

I ordered both the standard NANY design mug and this year's new design by hamradio (that I really like). I ordered the alternate, smaller size, mugs as the regular size mugs won't fit under the coffee machine at work without partially dismantling it :huh:
This time the mugs will actually be used for coffee or tea

The photo was taken with a partial floor plan for one of the Red Cross sleeping locations at the 4 Days Walks in Nijmegen, NL.

Thanks for posting the mugshot...They both look great. :) :up:

Try at hamradio's new page: http://www.dcmembers...m/hamradio/software/

Thanks mouser for posting the updated information for me while I had to be away from computer.  :Thmbsup: It just was one that I happened to miss on the site switch over.

... For me in NZ, the main DCForum at URL <>;action=.xml
- seems to have somewhat erratically stopped feeding my BazQux feed-reader, which may be attributable to the delay in repopulating TCP/IP tables, or something.
At the same time, the usually less active DCForum Blog address at <> seems to be broadcasting.;limit=10;sa=blogs;type=rss2
- Maybe they have swapped over somehow?

Sorry. Can't describe it better than that as I don't know the inner workings of BazQux, nor where its server(s) are located.

Ah, I think I understand the problem now - the RSS feeds would seem to have been somehow disabled/deleted/not included in the new CMS/website.
Are they going to be restored?
EDIT: 2018-01-20 1528hrs
I figured this out. It seems to work OK:  <;limit=10;sa=rtopics;type=rss2>

Cross-posted to Re: RSS Feeds for and this Forum

I think but not sure the problem lies with the PHPSESSID and maybe just need to remove the PHPSESSID from the url as seems to work without it...

Like the following example:

Code: Text [Select]

Congrats all and nice write up!

N.A.N.Y. 2008 / Re: Coin Jar Calculator
« on: January 11, 2018, 10:42 AM »
Just wanted to give an update...that I have updated it using bootstrap 4 beta 3 stuff at the moment, so it should now display great on mobile devices too. :)

Also change comments over to disqus. :)

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