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Is special anti-malware software just for women, actually necessary? Do they get some sort of special pink malware decorated in lace, that I am unaware of, that normal anti-malware software can't handle? What happens if you install it on a man's PC?

Their main product looks a whole lot like Malwarebytes to me, so it begs the question, why not just use the tried & true Malwarebytes, instead?

And it's made by women just for women? They should be ashamed of themselves! We are not talking about a product like maxi pads or tampons here, which would be something only women would use, where that might make some sort of sense. We are talking about security software, which shouldn't be gender based.

Found Deals and Discounts / Half Price on all Axialis Products
« on: November 29, 2013, 02:19 PM »
Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. 50% off on all of their icon sets and software.

Now, through December 2, 2013.

Found Deals and Discounts / Sitepoint Christmas Freebie Bundle
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:11 AM »
They are giving away a bundle of stuff worth over $1000, including icons, vector artwork, web hosting, marketing and project management tools, ebooks, etc.


Disclosure: I work for Sitepoint, but I am not paid to promote their stuff.

Developer's Corner / Talk With the Experts
« on: October 22, 2013, 08:37 PM »
Every week on, they feature a live question and answer chat session with one or more people involved in the web development industry, centered around a specific topic. It's absolutely free, and you can join in on the chat sessions and ask the guests questions.

Access to the chat room opens 15 mins before each session.

Last week's topic was PHP. Next topic will be Mobile App Development, which may be of interest to anyone considering or currently involved with developing apps for mobile devices.

You can sign up for email reminders and receive emails announcing the next live chat.

Transcripts of past chats are available on

DISCLAIMER: I work for Sitepoint/Learnable, but I am not paid to advertise for them. (I work in customer support) I just thought you guys might be interested in this, and I didn't want to keep the info to myself. :-)

I am sure most of us have some sort of side project that we have worked on and then later left it to die, sometimes completed, sometimes half completed, sometimes just sort of finished, or an unpolished alpha. Some of us like building things a lot more than we like running them, leaving behind a trail of half-baked ideas, poorly marketed web apps, software we have given up on simply because we are not interested in taking the next step.

Why let all that work go to waste?

SideProjectors is a brand new service to help you either sell your completed/half-completed/sort-of-running side project, or to connect you with other entrepreneurs who are looking to get involved.

Living Room / New Zealand bans software patents
« on: August 28, 2013, 08:06 PM »
New Zealand has finally passed a new Patents Bill that will effectively outlaw software patents after five years of debate, delay and intense lobbying from multinational software vendors.

Aptly-named Commerce Minister Craig Foss welcomed the modernisation of patents law, saying it marked a "significant step towards driving innovation in New Zealand".

"By clarifying the definition of what can be patented, we are giving New Zealand businesses more flexibility to adapt and improve existing inventions, while continuing to protect genuine innovations," Foss said.

Ever consider going to college and perhaps majoring or minoring in Computer Science, but don't really have the time to show up for classes, don't really want to go into debt paying for 4 years of college, and really don't want to fuss and bother with taking a bunch of classes that have absolutely nothing to do with your chosen major? (skip things like Psychology, Modern Dance, English Literature, and Art History?)

Maybe you should look into the offerings at Saylor.

They have 2 different Computer Science offerings, depending on whether you want to major or minor.

They use all free materials that are available online, including materials that are unique to their program. Once you have completed all of the materials for each course, there is a final exam that you can take that does count, to prove your mastery of each course.

Once you have completed all of the courses in the program, they will issue you a certificate, free of charge. While this isn't exactly the same as a 4 year degree from a traditional college, you'll pretty much have the same knowledge as someone that paid for their schooling, except perhaps all the unrelated nonsense from courses having nothing to do with Computer Science, that one is usually forced to take. See their FAQ for more information.

And if you aren't quite ready for taking the required math courses to complete their Computer Science program, perhaps need to brush up on Algebra first, or fill in some of the holes left over from a less than adequate high school education, you can go back and take the high school math courses that you may have missed out on or forgotten the material.

Living Room / *Email privacy and security survey*
« on: August 16, 2013, 11:36 AM »
After a number of recent discussions about email privacy and security, I decided to ask this question here and elsewhere, as I am curious as to the responses among DC members and the general public.

I’ve had an unusual number of interesting conversations spin out of my previous article documenting that mobile web apps are slow.  This has sparked some discussion, both online and IRL.  But sadly, the discussion has not been as… fact-based as I would like.

So what I’m going to do in this post is try to bring some actual evidence to bear on the problem, instead of just doing the shouting match thing.  You’ll see benchmarks, you’ll hear from experts, you’ll even read honest-to-God journal papers on point.  There are–and this is not a joke–over 100 citations in this blog post. I’m not going to guarantee that this article will convince you, nor even that absolutely everything in here is totally correct–it’s impossible to do in an article this size–but I can guarantee this is the most complete and comprehensive treatment of the idea that many iOS developers have–that mobile web apps are slow and will continue to be slow for the forseeable future.

But the Redmond giant has also announced a change to the Security Policy for its Store Apps, in order to make the apps available on Windows Store, Windows Phone Store, Office Store, and Azure Marketplace safer for users.

"The policy, which is effective immediately, requires developers to fix security vulnerabilities in their apps and enables Microsoft to remove an app from sale if the developer does not provide an effective fix. The requirement applies to all apps available in the online stores, including Microsoft apps," the company explained.

"Developers will have a maximum of 180 days to submit an updated app for security vulnerabilities that are not under active attack and are rated Critical or Important according to the Microsoft Security Response Center rating system. The updated app must be submitted to the store within 180 days of the first report that reproduces the issue."

Living Room / Feds asked to avoid DEF CON this year
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:14 PM »
Jeff Moss (aka “The Dark Tangent”), founder and director of the Black Hat conference and DEF CON, has officially announced that employees of US federal agencies should keep away from this year's edition of DEF CON, which is scheduled for the beginning of August.

"For over two decades DEF CON has been an open nexus of hacker culture, a place where seasoned pros, hackers, academics, and feds can meet, share ideas and party on neutral territory. Our community operates in the spirit of openness, verified trust, and mutual respect," he wrote in a statement titled "Feds, we need some time apart."

"When it comes to sharing and socializing with feds, recent revelations have made many in the community uncomfortable about this relationship. Therefore, I think it would be best for everyone involved if the feds call a "time-out" and not attend DEF CON this year. This will give everybody time to think about how we got here, and what comes next," he concluded.

They have amended their affiliate agreement, effective July 1, 2013, with the following:

7. Except as agreed between you and us in a separate written agreement referencing this Participation Requirement, you will not use any Content or Special Link, or otherwise link to the Amazon Site, on or in connection with:

a. any client-side software application (e.g., a browser plug-in, helper object, toolbar, extension, or component or any other application executable or installable by an end user) on any device, including computers, mobile phones, tablets, or other handheld devices;

This means no more building Firefox or Chrome add-ons that do something nice, then hijack every link to Amazon's site by inserting the developer's affiliate ID, often replacing the affiliate ID in links on sites created by people that play fair.


Update WP Super Cache and W3TC Immediately – Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Disclosed

Shame on us for not catching this a month ago when it was first reported, but it seems that two of the biggest caching plugins in WordPress have what we would classify a very serious vulnerability – remote code execution (RCE), a.k.a., arbitrary code execution:

…arbitrary code execution is used to describe an attacker’s ability to execute any commands of the attacker’s choice on a target machine or in a target process. – Wikipedia

It appears that a user by the name of kisscsaby first disclosed the issue a month ago via the WordPress forums. As of 5 days ago both plugin authors have pushed new versions of their plugins disabling the vulnerable functions by default. The real concern however is the seriousness of the vulnerability and the shear volume of users between both plugins.


When you zip up files with the intention of giving, selling, emailing to others, please do not include the following files and folders:

  • .DS_Store
  • Thumbs.db

Nobody wants this crap!  >:(

Besides, leaving it out makes smaller zip files, which means faster up/downloads, takes up less space on your server, uses less bandwidth.

Living Room / "Admin" is a BAD user name for anything! Change t!
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:30 AM »
If your login name for Wordpress (or anything else) is "Admin", you really should change that for security reasons.

I logged into Cpanel on 2 of my domains (same web host), to see this notice at the top of the page.

Screenshot - 4_14_2013 , 1_56_27 AM.png

The page they reference in the screenshot is this one:

If you have been stupid enough to keep the default login of "admin" enabled on anything, do whatever you have to do to change it ASAP! Unless you'd really enjoy getting hacked, that is.

Keeping default login names or passwords on anything is BAD SECURITY!

General Software Discussion / Wanted: Simple EML viewer
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:04 AM »
I need something simple, lightweight, no nonsense, and free to view EML files.

I am currently manning the support desk for a web development company and sometimes clients attach .eml files to posts, which I must view in order to understand what they are reporting as bugs.

I don't want or need a full blown desktop email application capable of sending/receiving email, address book, etc...just something to quickly open and view the content of these individual files with.

Anybody have any suggestions?

This is a fun read that I think many will enjoy, that will shed some light on why so many hated this classic game, and how it was a game that was actually ahead of its time.

And if you follow along with your hex editor and E.T. rom, you'll find out just how to fix it, to make it more fun.

If you're reading this page, chances are that you're already well aware that E.T. for the Atari 2600 is one of the most reviled games ever made. I never understood why. As a child, it was one of my favorite games. I still think it's a good game. Apparently, I'm not alone.

On this page I'm going to briefly explore why people hate E.T., and how the game can be fixed.

Developer's Corner / The 2013 Game Developer Gender Wage Gap
« on: April 03, 2013, 09:25 PM »
I’m reading through the latest digital edition of Game Developer Magazine which contains their annual survey.  The salary numbers overall weren’t concerning to me, until I scrolled down and saw the differences between the male and female survey respondents.  The next time someone tells me that men and women get paid equally for their talents in the game industry, I wanted something to link to them.  This is just plain disgusting.

Developer's Corner / Pie chart generator script needed
« on: March 23, 2013, 10:50 AM »
Looking for a pie chart generator script for use on a website, that allows for click handling events within each slice (for displaying more info). Any suggestions?

Ian Hickson, the googler who is overseeing the HTML5 standard at the W3C, has written a surprisingly frank piece on the role of DRM. As he spells out in detail, the point of DRM isn't to stop illegal copying, it's to stop legal forms of innovation from taking place. He shows that companies that deploy DRM do so in order to prevent individuals, groups and companies from innovating in ways that disrupt their profitability

And Ian Hickson's essay:

Living Room / What *Should* We Be Worried About?
« on: March 13, 2013, 11:10 PM »
Need a few more things to ponder?

Every year, the online magazine Edge asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to answer a single question. This year, that question was "What Should We Be Worried About?", and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven't yet been widely recognized. And it's a very long list. There are some 150 different things that worry 151 of the planet's greatest minds. The answers cover a wide variety of topics and ideas.

This is the stuff keeps the smartest folks in the world awake at night.

Living Room / Gamers deemed too fast for real-life race
« on: February 17, 2013, 11:58 AM »
In 2008 Nissan and Sony PlayStation teamed up with an interesting concept – could expert gamers on the Gran Turismo computer game transform their skills to real life racing?

After 25,000 applications in 13 countries they invited the best gamers to a ‘GT Academy’ for intensive training and the results proved to be better than anyone expected.

The programme has already produced drivers such as Spain’s Lucas Ordonez and France’s Jordan Tresson who have both gone on to compete in the 24 hours of Le Mans.

Last year’s GT Academy winner Jann Mardenborough teamed up with a pro driver Alex Buncomb and entered the British GT pro-am series - an event where a pro is teamed up with a 'gentleman driver' who is expected to be slower than his partner.

However, despite having no professional driving experience, Mardenborough proved to be as fast as the pros and was so good that the series has now banned further GT Academy drivers from taking part.

Developer's Corner / Microsoft abandoning XNA Game Studio
« on: February 03, 2013, 05:38 PM »
XNA to be retired next year.

Those in the know have seen this day approaching for quite some time, but Microsoft has made it official. XNA Game Studio is effectively done. A leaked internal email revealed the company is prepared to retire the development toolset on April 1, 2014. While some believe this could spell the end for Xbox Live Indie Games, a Microsoft representative told Polygon the company wouldn't be discontinuing the service entirely.

Living Room / Apple trademarks its retail store design
« on: February 03, 2013, 06:19 AM »
The US Patent and Trademark Office has approved Apple's request to trademark the design and layout of its iconic retail stores — stores that other US companies have tried in recent years to imitate. Apple had to fight to get its store trademark, with the patent office rejecting Apple's request twice. In the second rejection, the USPTO said that Apple's design wasn't "inherently distinctive," prompting Apple to file a 122-page document arguing its case, complete with consumer surveys and photos of its storefronts.

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