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Living Room / Re: Network peeps...? i need some help (*SOLVED*)
« on: January 24, 2010, 01:37 PM »
i'll try to keep this as simple as possible.  but before i do, let me tell you where i was getting hung up.  i kept thinking about the router's involvement and how in the world can addressing take place twice on a wireless adapter, etc.  the lesson here is, don't think about it! ;)  the router settings are insignificant.

anyway, here's the setup:

machine001 (has internet connection)
machine00x (just another machine connected to the router)

here's what you do:

 . open up the connection properties you wish to share (the network connection that connects directly to the internet)
 . click the advanced tab and check 'Allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection'
 . under 'Home networking connection', select 'Wireless Network Connection'
 . click 'OK' to save the changes

this now sets your wireless adapter address to  you can confirm this by opening up the adapter's properties and checking out its TCP/IP settings. this is now your gateway to the internet for all other machines connected to the router.

connect to the internet and do ipconfig /all and make note of the DNS Servers (you'll need to input these on any subsequent machines)

connect to the wireless router. (yes, that's it)

we're done with machine001 :)

 . open up the properties of your wireless adapter.
 . go into the TCP/IP settings of the wireless adapter.
 . tick the 'Use the following IP address' option and assign that machine another ip on the same subnet as the gateway, but do not use the same one as the gateway.  for example, use (notice the last number changed), let your subnet mask be (default), then enter as the gateway. and finally, under the 'Use the following DNS server addresses', enter the DNS addresses you got from the previous ipconfig results from machine001.
 . connect to the router and you should now have access to the net through machine001!! :)

that's it, no other router configuration. doesn't matter if DHCP is turned on in the router or not.

if you're experiencing problems still then it's probably a firewall issue, so make sure you allow the necessary traffic to come in and out as requested by the other machines.

that's really all there is to it, i now have 3 machines and a ps3 hooked up thru the router this way. just remember to assign all the machines unique ip addresses.

hopefully this will help someone else out there.

no need for a $200 EVDO router either :)

Seedling's Software / Re: Select custom genre's
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:00 PM »
hi neocobe

it is possible to add this functionality. however, i won't be able to look at this for at least a few weeks (for various reasons).

i'm glad you like the app :)

Living Room / Re: Network peeps...? i need some help :(
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:21 PM »
security, where i am, isn't an issue. and yeah, i've looked at the evdo router solution recently.  it's kinda of expensive tho, plus it shouldn't be necessary as it was working before.  was hoping someone could shed some light one why it isn't working.  i've read multiple tutorials online, and just about all of them involve a hard wire into the router from the ICS machine and i never had to do this back in the day.

Living Room / Network peeps...? i need some help :(
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:42 PM »

XP laptop (using wireless EVDO card to connect to internet) as well as connected to the router via internal wireless
wireless router
2 other windows machines and ps3 connected to wireless router

i just need the other machines to connect to the internet thru the router.

first, i know there's a billion hits on google with this, mostly all with conflicting methods and opinions.  but let me tell you my bit.  at one time i had a normal setup. dsl modem plugged into wireless router, and all other machines could use the internet... simple, done!  then that hard-wired service went down, so i turned on ICS (internet connection sharing) on my XP laptop with the EVDO card and once again it just worked! simple! great! :)  the dsl service got flakey so i got rid of it and just used my shared laptop net access. time went on, kids moved out, etc. didn't use router for anything, didn't need to share a connection.  fast-forward to today, and now i need to do the same thing.  so i fired up the router, turned on ICS. all machines can see each other on the network... but no internet access! this has been bugging me for some time.  i've turned off firewalls, etc to see if that was the problem, but no-go :(

i'm sure this is a simple setup as it 'just worked' before, but can't seem to make it work again.  please help! :o

thanks :)

Living Room / Mac Mini audio weirdness
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:24 PM »
Hey all!

my mac mini has this peculiar habit of powering on/off the audio as it is requested by the OS.  if i play a movie or music or anything, it's fine. but once there's no audio request from the os for about a minute (maybe less) it powers down the output resulting in an annoying click or pop in the speakers (just like if you manually turn them off) and then when any other sound is played (either by clicking something, emptying trash... ANY sound) it clicks the output back ON which leads to yet another annoying click/pop from my speakers. thinking that this is some kind of 'green-friendly' power setting that shuts the port down while not being used, i tried snooping around the preferences to change such a setting to be ALWAYS ON as to eliminate this annoying popping/clicking of my speakers all day long.  i was unable to find any such thing.  i've tried googling this issue but haven't come up with much outside of ppl having NO SOUND issues due to a poorly seated plug, but as this is straight from the factory and the sound does work just fine while playing constant sources (music/videos) i doubt this is the case.

if anyone can help with this issue i'd be greatly appreciative as i'm completely new to this mac format.


this may be well known and frustrating for those of you who are adept in mac, but i'm just learning. i started poking around in these preference files (which are just xml files that hold individual app and systems prefs) haven't found anything yet, but i would think that if there is such an editable setting it'd either be in here or would need to be added into one of these files.  i've since learned of an app that reads all pref files in a nice little GUI called plist edit.  i actually broke down and called apple support.  they had no quick solution to this and told me i'd hear back from them within a couple days or so with a fix (hopefully).  i'll keep this thread updated if i get a solution

Seedling's Software / Re: Recursive switch not working?
« on: August 28, 2009, 10:31 AM »
thanks for the report CDandVinyl.  i've been pulled away from many of my projects for quite some time. i'll try to take a look at this some time within this week.

Living Room / Re: Playstation 3 and Media Server Setup?
« on: January 04, 2009, 10:20 PM »
nice! i'll check those out as well :)

Living Room / Re: Playstation 3 and Media Server Setup?
« on: January 03, 2009, 02:53 AM »
no, hey thank you for your input! really :D

cuz i didn't know about that service.

i guess, just thank you for responding, keep on doing it... one of the wisest thing i've ever heard was that there is no stupid question and there is no stupid contribution, cuz if it's your contribution, it's yours... own it! and i learned something from you tonight, so thank you again :)

Living Room / Re: Playstation 3 and Media Server Setup?
« on: January 03, 2009, 02:10 AM »
I've mentioned Linux because I don't really know how PS3 handle multimedia while browsing the web. Weezo itself needs Windows only (and gives you easy media streaming). That's all.

Or "Linux reply" was not for me? ;)
-fenixproductions (January 03, 2009, 01:43 AM)

no, hey thanks! :) yeah just the linux reply was, but weezo is a cool service that is a cool service via the ps3 browser, but i gotta tell you the tversity is VERY simple to setup!! and at this point i'd highly recommend it for ps3 streaming. :)

Living Room / Re: Playstation 3 and Media Server Setup?
« on: January 03, 2009, 01:22 AM »
thank you for your quick responses! :) think i'll try tversity.  i don't have an extra machine to mess with Linux stuff (which i found a lot of info for here and there); so was hoping for a quick/dirty windows network solution.

if anyone else has any other info for setting this up, please let me know!

Thanks again :D

Living Room / Playstation 3 and Media Server Setup?
« on: January 03, 2009, 12:29 AM »
I've been looking around for something simple (cuz it should be), but i set up my ps3 and it connects to my router and thus to the net.  but, of course, i would like to have some sort of media server on the network that the ps3 can see so that i can watch my vids and listen to my music, etc.  any quick and easy tips, software/settings, etc to get this up and running?

i currently only have 2 other windowsXP machines on the network, so i'd need something that could run on XP systems.

TIA!!! :)

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: PESplash
« on: December 29, 2008, 03:34 PM »
It sounds like a really neat idea .. is it similar in functionality to hydan?

i never heard of this app, but reading a brief overview of their paper, the idea seems a lot the same (and perhaps even better in some aspects).  one key difference is that mine does not use a 'set' group of interchangable opcodes, but rather, reads them from a user created ops.dat file. which effectively is used as a key to encode/read what you're trying to hide.

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: PESplash
« on: December 28, 2008, 11:13 PM »
if you tag your exectuable with 'johnny noname 155-345' (if the space allows) and you find it out in 'the wild' without permisssion, then you'll be able to know exactly where the source came from 'i.e. johnny noname 155-345' simple as that. just use the app and see for yourself.

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / NANY 2009 Release: PESplash
« on: December 25, 2008, 10:08 PM »
NANY 2009 Entry Information

Application Name PESplash
Version v1.7.0.11
Short Description this tool will attempt to embed text information into a CODE section of
any PE file. it does so by finding valid opcode strings and replaces
them with "like-minded" opcodes therefore not changing the size or
operability of the file.
Supported OSes Windows 32-bit
Web Page
Download Link http://seedling.dcme...m/other/
not much, just Win32 OS
  • v1.7.10
       fixed a bug that would randomly corrupt text in both embedding and
       retrieving process
       improved the retrieving routine and can now get watermark text
       much faster!

       inserts a default 'save as' filename once the 'open' file is
       this could possibly cause problems since the routine
       uses the '.' as a deliminator and renames the file. an example
       of a problem would be in a path with '.' used in the name:
       would result in:
       since, by default, it simply adds a 'w' after the filename and
       then re-adds the extension
       added drag & drop support
    v1.6 RTM
       added a group box around the progress bar with changing caption
       text explaining basically what the bar is keeping track of

    v1.5 beta
       fixed 'ops.dat' reading code to allow for commented lines starting

       with '//'. this allows for easier management of this file.
       buttons are now disabled when performing a task

       Hidden Text edit box is now read only

       ProgressBar is half-way decent (could still use some better
       progression tho)

       inclusion of ProcessMessages to help the window stay focused on more
       than the ProgressBar when performing a task! (thanks guys :))

       LOTS of code cleanup!

       this build is practically a FINAL version and may be converted to
       FINAL once further testing proves its reliability

    v1.1 beta
       now uses an external file 'ops.dat' which contains mask pairs for

       created an icon

    v1.0 beta
       first gui build and name changed to PESplash

    v0.1 beta
       all 3 switches are operable(-e | -r | -c)
       embeds data and saves to "newfile.exe"
       can now retreive embedded data from watermarked file
       returns space available for watermarking

       do NOT try to use this with a packed file, it'll crash
       or at best, it'll make the packed file useless!

    v0.3 alpha
       now takes text input for embedding

       converts text to a binary string and saves changes to "testbin.bin"

    v0.2 alpha
       got rid of the temp file (now stores text bytes into memory

       saves changed CODE section as a binary file "testbin.bin"

    v0.1 alpha
       initial build

       uses one set of masks only, no table yet

       creates temp text representation of valid opcodes from CODE section
       of a PE file

       creates temp text representation of changed CODE section with ALL
       bytes found by mask0 or mask1

Executable code steganography

I have submitted a rather unusual app that takes a different approach in steganography.  I (with the help of friends and Oleh Yuschuk's disassembly engine  ) developed this application way back in 2003-2004. The app is called PESplash.  It embeds text into windows exe files using interchangeable assembly opcodes.

With this app you can create your own 'keys' (ops.dat file) that will be able to embed/read hidden text via a binary stream based on the interchangeable codes you have in your ops.dat file.  So, it embeds this data into the CODE section of your executable file and will run just as originally compiled without error and yet contains hidden data.  Now, be warned, if you decide on interchangeable opcodes and you are wrong, then your application will most likely not run correctly. the default ops.dat file contains most zero flag, interchangeable codes that should not be a problem to swap (but it's not perfect).

So to summarize, it embeds text into your executable files.  This could be used in nefarious ways (and is the reason i never released it to the public).  Use with restraint, but it's a pretty cool way of tracking who is downloading your files (if released in the wild), send messages, etc.

Anyway, that's my submission, enjoy.

Also, please note that this is free and without protection, however, if you plan on using this in a corporate/commercial product, then you must contact me for proper compensation.


unzip this to a dir of your choice and run it :)

Using the Application
Select an unpacked app, have it scan for the amount of bytes available (per your ops.dat file keyfile) then write the text to the file, done. to retrieve the embedded text, just open the file and select retrieve, done. :)

just delete the files that you unzipped, done :)

Known Issues
this will not work with already packed (compressed) executable files. that is, it will seem to work, but the file will not work.

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Intro
« on: December 19, 2008, 11:08 PM »
I have submitted a rather unusual app that takes a different approach in steganography.  I (with the help of friends and Oleh Yuschuk's disassembly engine :) ) developed this application way back in 2003-2004. The app is called PESplash.  It embeds text into windows exe files using interchangeable assembly opcodes.

With this app you can create your own 'keys' (ops.dat file) that will be able to embed/read hidden text via a binary stream based on the interchangeable codes you have in your ops.dat file.  So, it embeds this data into the CODE section of your executable file and will run just as originally compiled without error and yet contains hidden data.  Now, be warned, if you decide on interchangeable opcodes and you are wrong, then your application will most likely not run correctly. the default ops.dat file contains most zero flag, interchangeable codes that should not be a problem to swap (but it's not perfect).

So to summarize, it embeds text into your executable files.  This could be used in nefarious ways (and is the reason i never released it to the public).  Use with restraint, but it's a pretty cool way of tracking who is downloading your files (if released in the wild), send messages, etc.

Anyway, that's my submission, enjoy. :)

Also, please note that this is free and without protection, however, if you plan on using this in a corporate/commercial product, then you must contact me for proper compensation.

One last thing, this will not work on executable files that have been packed (compressed), doing so will almost certainly result in an unusable file.

Seedling's Software / Re: New App! File/Folder Date Organizer
« on: December 02, 2008, 10:21 PM »
that's cool!

i've only used it (to this point) for organizing image files by date and (of course) for it's original purpose of date-sorting folders with many files/subfolders within.

i need to get on making the options saved.

Seedling's Software / Re: Hi Everyone / Random MixTape Maker ideas
« on: November 29, 2008, 03:41 AM »
thank you parpfish for your awesome and numerous new suggestions (it gives me something to look forward to ;) ). i will read (at length) these hydrogenaudio threads when i have a chance, unfortunately this time of year is slammed for me (see how long it for me to just reply!!! :( ) but i will check it out.

yeah i got your msg, things in my life have been turned upside-down and have been completely re-focused as of late (thanks bankers of the world!!!) so thank you for that.  and thank you for being persistant in you ideas, etc!! i really do appreciate it!

take care and happy holidays!

Seedling's Software / Re: New App! File/Folder Date Organizer
« on: November 29, 2008, 01:26 AM »
i'm glad i could help :)

yeah, i will add the ability to save settings (outside of time constraints, this would've been 'dropped in' as well)

weeks option is very doable, i just would have to write a bit more of a sophisticated week-of-year (from the given year) routine to figure this properly.

i'll see what i can get done in the next days

Seedling's Software / Re: New App! File/Folder Date Organizer
« on: October 29, 2008, 09:14 AM »
Updated version!

The main one being EXIF reading for creation dates in certain image files (read the readme.txt!!!)


I swear I did a new topic, but it's not there.  So I apologize Seedling if I'm mucking up this thread.  I keep getting a "199x is not a valid integer".  This can happen when adding, or removing tracks.  It's not always the same MP3 file that is listed in the statusbar that causes the error.  Help!

not sure what's going on with any board issues, but i did have a couple questions for you re: your troubles:

1) which version of the program are you using
2) what type of media files is it having trouble with (i.e. mp3, wma, etc.)
3) (if known) what type of tagging system are these files tagged with? (ID3v1, ID3v2.x, ApeTags...)

looking to expand my random mixtape maker into a MTP functional piece of software.  having no luck.  any help is appreciated.  TIA! :)

Seedling's Software / Re: Hi Everyone / Random MixTape Maker ideas
« on: September 20, 2008, 12:03 PM »
ok, i just uploaded a new version (v1.10.38.105) that has the options in its own separate window.

check it out here:   :Thmbsup:

Seedling's Software / Re: Hi Everyone / Random MixTape Maker ideas
« on: September 14, 2008, 12:25 AM »
duly noted.  you're right, the newer version(s) demanded their own separate space as the options grew and became more and complete.  there simply wasn't room to keep everything on the front page without shrinking the list area to minimum.

now that that's outta the way, hopefully you can enjoy this thing.

btw, i was working on having the options dialog as a floating 2nd window because of this problem.  maybe you'll like that one better once i get it done.

Seedling's Software / Re: Hi Everyone / Random MixTape Maker ideas
« on: September 13, 2008, 07:38 PM »
you have to set your options in order to filter what you want (and don't want) in the list.

Seedling's Software / Re: Hi Everyone / Random MixTape Maker ideas
« on: September 12, 2008, 08:07 PM »
not sure what you mean by search area, but all you have to do is choose a dir or master dir (as you did here 'E:\') to search for audio files, then just click the 'create playlist' button

if there's some other issue, please let me know

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