The NANY 2023 event is now closed.

If you are a coder, any new program (or addon) that you have released in the previous year, which is freeware/donationware for home users is eligible.

And if you are not a coder, you can still participate by helping coders with ideas and testing.

To join in the adventure, visit: The NANY 2023 forum section.

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I have been using Screen Shot Captor for about 15 years or so.
Whenever I discard my laptop, I find it difficult to use the new laptop without again down loading the software and the key. I have tried many others in the process, but each time this comes out a winner! Thank you for letting me use such a wonderful tool.
Vinod Kumar Mehandru
Vinod Kumar Mehandru image

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Too fast for your own keyboard? Now your can beat Windows' keyboard buffer!
Speed up the navigation keys (or any other keys).

Read more and download..

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