@all: Thanks a lot for the hints
@nudone: This is great - it does what I want - very nice - thanks very much
@Darwin: I think PaperPorts intent is not the same as mine
- its really more the Docs2PDF solution as far as I can tell
@sri: As far as the webpage goes it is something like AutoHotKey - this would be fine for the secondepart of my idea - the triggered skripts - but I dont see how I could start the macros based on filesystem events
@f0dder: This is exactly my Idea - and it hasn't be done lowlevel Win32API-Style - the dotnet Framework provides the filesystemwatcher class which is very nice for this task. I think I add this tool on my "to code"-List, just for the fun writing it
@rssapphire: Yes - this looks really nice, but LogMonitor is free, and does the job