Young Jack is going into French immersion so not only will they be plotting against me, they'll be able to do it right in front of me!-Darwin
i almost forgot that you're from Canada.. i am also trying to enrol my son into a 2nd language class but haven't decided yet..-lanux128
Well, too early for me to be giving advice (though he's already done two years of French Immersion pre-school), but I sympathize with the decision part. It's a bit of a commitment but where we are anyway, any negatives are swamped by the positives, not least of which is the fact that we're essentially getting a private school education within the public school system - parents that put their kids into French Immersion tend to be more interested in, and supportive of, education and that rubs off on the kids in the program as well. That's the thinking anyway! Oh, and the little urchin should be fluently bilingual by grade 6. Scary.