I a mtrying to put a web site together, I am learning as I go along, my knowledge is zero of HTML and PHP etc., on the site I keep getting the following error, can anyone tell me what it means and how I can fix it?
Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/nleric/public_html/wiiinfo/datas/persobanner_center.php on line 35
Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/nleric/public_html/wiiinfo/datas/persobanner_center.php on line 35
Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/nleric/public_html/wiiinfo/datas/persobanner_center.php on line 35
Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/nleric/public_html/wiiinfo/datas/persobanner_center.php on line 35
Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/nleric/public_html/wiiinfo/datas/persobanner_center.php on line