There's just one flaw in the developer's promo. He talks about doing this to thank his subscribers -- but those of us who've paid for the software already don't get a thing! Darn... I'd settle for half price on his e-book.
I see this often - discounts on licensing to thank loyal customers...
I dunno - I've always shaken my head at this is well.
Yes, I guess it's a bit awkward.
In fact, he's most probably not "thanking" anybody as much as he is trying to convert all the subscribers who haven't bought AP... yet. That's me! In other words, he's really targeting those who are interested but haven't made the move. (Don't get me wrong : Rodger is a nice guy!! But... he's also also a salesman)
In any case, even if the price is very good and the eBook on time management looks interesting, I think I'll just skip this version -- there are some aspects of AP that still need to be improved (IMVHO) to justify using it instead of Outlook 2003. Of course, I'll keep an eye on its development.
PS. Tom, you could send a letter to Rodger and ask him if he'd be willing to propose a discount on his eBook for his actual loyal customers...!!