Version 1.07.12 - Sep 23, 2005
added paste command (can be used with alias group to paste text to previous app)
Version 1.07.11 - Sep 21, 2005
Added import+export+paste of group aliases
You can add - at start of any item in an alias group to disable it
Reenbabled ins/del/edit keys in listviews
the paste command works inside alias groups
you just type an entry like:
paste 432 chicago ave.\nchicago, IL\nUSA 11030
or you can use the optional description | format as follows
my address | paste 432 chicago ave.\nchicago, IL\nUSA 11030
my name | Mouser Mousey
my phone number | 212-555-2323
so you could put all of those in an alias group called paste
then if you are in a text editor for example you could hit BREAK to bring up F&R
then type "paste" to see the menu of
1) my address
2) my name
3) my phone number
then hit the digit corresponding to which one to paste.