I don't *think* this would be very complicated, but I don't have the expertise to do it myself 
I would like to right click on a hyperlink and be able to choose which browser opens the url. For example, I prefer Chrome, but there are some things I still need firefox for (firebug for example). Most of the time, I want to use Chrome, but sometimes I'd like to open the link in Firefox. And still other times, I need to use IE (for some very dumb apps that don't speak ff or chrome).
Sort of similar to this idea: https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=8979.0 which didn't seem to get any traction (that I could find) although it seemed popular.
This would be incredibly useful for me and I'm certain for many others. What are your thoughts?
The utility I wrote(
Selector) is almost exactly what you want.
See the announcement for more details:
https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=19717.0If you want to open a link in another browser, right click the link and use the command that copies the link to the clipboard, such as "copy link location" and press the Selector hotkey, choose the Clipboard Text Radio Button, then double click the browser you added to the ListBox. You may add individual programs or shortcuts to the list via the Add Button or Drag & Drop them from Explorer.
There may be one more click than using a plugin to launch another browser, but using Selector, instead of having to install a plugin in each browser that you use, just open the Selector popup window and drag & drop shortcuts to all your browsers in one go!
In the other case when you want to open the current page in another browser, just click the address bar to highlight, hit Selector hotkey and double click the browser in the ListBox. Selected Text Radio Button is enabled by default when the popup window displays.
When you hit the hotkey, Selector gets the Clipboard contents as text and saves it, then it does a Copy to put the selected text in the clipboard and retrieves it. Then it restores the original text to the clipboard. The idea is to avoid disrupting editing if you already have text in the clipboard. Other data types such as images aren't preserved.. only text.
You can also use it just as a quicky launcher. Select the Text Radio Button and leave the Input line blank to launch with no command line parameters.