XP Home SP2 & Maxthon 1.6 & "Ctrl+Shift+Arrow versus Ctrl+Arrow".
Whenever I write a forum post (like now) my memory will tell me that Ctrl+Shift+Arrow will mark the words to the right/left. In Maxthon, Ctrl+Arrow (without Shift) will change tab focus. But somehow my versions of Maxthon can not figure out to differ between Ctrl+Arrow and Ctrl+Shift+Arrow, so whenever I try to mark the words in a post, Maxthon will swift to another tab! This is frustrating, and I have of course searched and searched inside Maxthon to find this shortcut, or at least find anything related on how to change it / correct it - but in vain. It *seems* that I have to manipulate the registries?
I have of course installed a new version on top of the "old", but that didn't change anything.
I also have tried to uninstall various plugins, and that didn't help either.
I have removed as many hotkeys as posible.
The problem is not new to me.
So now I am asking if any of you hot shots know where I can change / repair this hotkey?
(image for no reason)