What is worse is when these sites have a higher search engine ranking than the sites they steal content from.
It's even worse when your site's entire content ends up as a single blog post and that ends up on the front page of digg, with absolutely no credit given to your site. (I have had this happen to me)
It can be a pretty discouraging situation to be in when someone steals your content like this. It really doesn't do much for encouraging the victim to keep working hard and producing new content.
And I have some mixed feelings about software download sites that do this. On the one hand, they are promoting my software.
On the other, they are copying partial content from my web pages, leaving out important information or presenting it in a way that makes no sense. This is unfair and can make me and my applications look bad.
Most of the time it is for applications I don't have PAD files for. If I had wanted these applications to be included on software sites, I would have created PAD files for them and submitted it, myself.
The biggest problem with software sites doing things this way, without asking, is they never update the pages with correct or current info when you ask them to, and even if you have PAD files for your applications, changing the info in the PAD doesn't result in these sites getting updated. And they don't care if the info they give is inaccurate or outdated.
And it's not just the smaller, unknown sites that do this. Softpedia, a major site, seems to do this quite often.
I don't know if I should look at it as content and bandwidth theft or not. (many are hotlinking my screenshots and offering direct download links)