Is it possible that DCUpdater could use it's database?
extremely possible.
Justice has been investigating these kinds of programs, and he and i are going to work together to identify the best features of these tools.-mouser
Sounds great!
And my current plan is to try to make dcupdater (or a close relative of it) be able to read as many of these kinds of database formats as possible so it can be compatible.-mouser
Hmmm: that sounds pretty awesome. Sounds like a plug-in engine or configuration wizard to allow the user to hook into a new source?... I guess that the currency of the links is always going to be the issue. Browsing the
Win-Get Repository it looks like some of the files are a little out of date. I guess that's where if the link points back to the actual author then it's one less thing for the software developer to worry about?
I always thought that a repository should endeavor to, or provide the tools, to help keep the links/versions current. A PAD file database, for example, would be doing a lot of link checking if it was going to regularly check tens-of-thousands of PAD files!!