Text Edit
Since there is a button that pastes the current text to the clipboard, it would be functionally similar to add a button that would paste the current text to an edit window. This would be a one-way transaction. Edit the text and then press a button to paste to the clipboard. Once the window is closed all changes are lost. This might be easier than trying to change code within the program.
I really like the ability to fill in a variable on the fly. It would be a nice prompt for temporary data that is not efficiently saved in each variable file. Take it one step farther and allow entry of variables directly into the variable file. Most of the time I know what data I need, just not where in the tree. The ultimate would be allow dragging of a variable from the variable window into the tree edit program.
Here is an explanation of how I use the variable file. I create a blank file with 25 variables. The way I do this is to first create a dummy tree that is nothing but a list of variables in the correct order. That gives me a base "blank" variable file.
Since I am dealing with 50-100 data files per deployment, I bring up the blank variable file, rename it to the reference file number and save it blank. I then paste data into each field from the legacy program. (BTW pasting is a pain since the highlighted field name is not replaced with the pasted data, the data is inserted into the field name. I have to first delete the name and then paste.) Since I am cutting and pasting in the order dictated by the legacy program field location, if the fields in the variable file are in the wrong order, I am jumping up and down the list to paste. Once all data is pasted, I save the file again.
Some would ask why do I do all the cutting and pasting. I am in a car all day. The aircard has limited bandwidth. I am taking calls from customers and about customers all day. TFLM is up all the time with the "general info" tree showing. When a customer calls, I can bring up their variable file and have all their information available. That allows me to complete the call without relying on a network connection. At the same time I change the tree and document the conversation and save to a remote file.
The variable file supports the following trees. "First contact", "inspection", "prior loss email ordering", "no contact". If, during development of the tree I have to add a variable, it automatically goes to the bottom of the list. That is usually not the best position for cutting and pasting for new files.
In each case the log entry includes customized data taken from the variable file. Nobody else on the team can place the custom data in the log as quickly. They are not using TFLM!!
Some of the trees have 50 plus radio buttons and check boxes and 3-4 levels of dependency. Example. If there is a prior loss, does it relate to the current loss. If so, is the data available or does it have to be ordered. If ordered, record when ordered because that sets the start time for the max waiting period. Other trees use 2-3 variables in a single sentence. You can see that when deployed I put TFLM through a full test.
Hope this helps explain why manipulating the variable file is really critical to the efficiency of creating log entries.