Mouser has made a small but important change on the latest version of farr.
I'm in disagreement with it, but mouser presented a good explanation for this change.
He opted by adding an option for this, but we're wondering which one should be the default setting.
So here's the change. On previous versions, when you had something selected on the following option:
When you started farr, you'd get something like:
Farr configuration decision: what's your opinion?Now, you get something like:
Farr configuration decision: what's your opinion?The difference is in the editbox, before, the text was pre-selected, now it isn't.
My rationale for having it selected, is that when you bring up farr, you can just type and search for anything.
Mouser's rationaly for not having it selected, is that if you have an alias like the pre-included "search" alias, you might want to call farr and just complete the command line.
So, the question is: which one do you prefer? the old method or the new method?