i wanted to share a trick with the community
the following "clipboard" alias :
$$c | restartsearch $$c
will "paste" the clipboard content to the search box (I know you can Ctrl+V to paste the clipboard content
sounds dumb ... but it is in fact really handy when used in conjunction with aliases with powerful regex masks :
for instance this one which recognize urls...
^(https?://)?(([0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+: )?[0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+@)?(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+\.)*([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z]\.[a-z]{2,6})(:[0-9]{1,4})?((/?)|(/[0-9a-z_!~*'().;?:@&=+$,%#-]+)+/?)$
you can have one that recognize email, telephone, etc.
now let's say you choose the "auto copy selected text to clipboard on trigger" option in the general tab of FARR
you can just select a url (for instance) ... open FARR ... find the "clipboard" alias press enter then the url alias is triggered
my "url" alias offers me different things : open the url in my default browser, in firefox, in opera, save the url to my delicious account and more to come...
if you assign an hotkey to this "clipboard alias" :
- you select some text (url, email, etc.)
- press the hotkey
- press enter (to bad we can't skip that step)
- one of your aliases with powerful regex masks is triggered
hope it gives you some ideas
Cheers, Nitrix