Hi mouser,
i know FARR is going public soon, and that's great news since it will increase the FARR community
however, i'd like to suggest a new feature :
i think it would be great to be able to open/trigger FARR window with command-line parameters...
for instance :
path_to_farr/FARR.exe "restartsearch=myfavoritealias"
would trigger FARR and start the search : myfavoritealias
Now, i use autohotkey to do it
#IfWinActive, ahk_class dopus.lister ;check if directory opus (my file explorer) is active
SendPlay ^d ;Ctrl + d copies the selected files path to the clipboard - hotkey specified in directory opus
Sleep, 500
Send !{Space} ;opens FARR
Sleep, 200
Send files{Space} ;type "files" then "space"
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
SendPlay ^c ;copy
ClipWait, 1
Send !{Space} ;opens FARR
Sleep, 200
Send c{Space} ;type "c" then "space"
thanks to this code, i can use FARR to manipulate files i've just selected (i use the #IfWinActive trigger to check whether i'm in my file explorer or not) or text i've just selected
so basically i select text, i press the Application key (you know the contextual menu key close to the space bar) it copies the selected text to the clipboard and it opens FARR with my clipboard alias named "c", then i choose what to do with the clipboard content (search the web, capitalize, etc.)
or in my file explorer i select files then press the application key... it copies the selected files path to the clipboard, it opens FARR with my file alias named "files", i *could* then zip them, email them, you name it
I was inspired by the way Quicksilver works
If we could trigger FARR from a command line, It would be more reliable and we could also create shortcuts to favorite aliases or favorite searches...
What do you think ?
Cheers, Nitrix