Mouser, perhaps your software should be called 'donateware' to help clarify matters. Free to use if you want to jump through a few *minor* hoops or you can donate a trivial amount and never be hassled again. At least then people cannot negatively misinterpret DC's position.
Uwe, I'm afraid my attitude is always somewhat harsher than mouser's. Judging by your original post, you may be angry with the situation but perhaps you should ask yourself a couple of questions: -
Can I find a better alternative without having to do anything at all but download and use it?
Is my use of the software worth more to me than the effort taken to freely register at a site and download a key every six months?
If you are still not satisfied with your responses to the above then walk away. You have gained nothing, but you have also lost nothing.
In the end, the choice is yours. Use the software under the specified terms or go and find an alternative.
The unfortunately fact of life is that sites like this are not 'free' to run, developers cannot live on fresh air alone and why should you unquestionably get the benefit of several hundred man hours of development just because you have a need to use a certain type of software?
If someone doesn't want to donate and isn't prepared to significantly contribute to the community (and I'm not saying that you are either), then they have to put a little more effort into ensuring they can use the software available on this site. Where is the problem with that? It is 'free' in that there are no limitations, but you will have to occasionally do something to remind you that the people making the software and running this site should be recompensed, if not rewarded. If you were to calculate an hourly rate for some of the software on this site I'm certain it would be classed as slave labour.
Sure, there may be reasons why you cannot donate cash, but mouser is an easy going guy, in my opinion too easy going. If you contribute significantly to this site he will give you an unlimited key, if you donate a dollar he will give you an unlimited key, if you convince him that you've had a hard life and you are a good person I'm sure he would also give you an unlimited key.
Frankly I believe mouser's current approach is fair, balanced, correct and beneficial for everyone in the community, even if he still isn't convinced.