My hotkeys aren't working - probably a clash with another screen-capture program I played with.
Anyway - I find myself having to right-click on the Screensho Captor system tray icon to carry out some activities.
My most frequently used feature is capturing a hand drawn area of the screen but I have two problems with doing this from the right click menu.
a) The process kicks in too fast - the screen doesn't get a chance to fully redraw after the menu is clicked - I am left with parts of the menu frozen on screen during the capture, and often these are in the way.
b) Having initiated the process I can't find a way to cancel - it would be handy if escape terminated the attempt returning the normal function of the mouse. At present I have to make a screen selection and then discard - kind of a pain.
One new feature request - I think it is new anyway:
I'd like to be able to use the system 'send to..' command.
At present there is the option to 'send to' which does the e-mail thing - this is only a subset of what is possible with the system 'send to..' menu. For example users with skype could send the file to a Skype contact - or send to a different application via Windows handy little send to shell thingy.
Just my tuppence.
Dean Marshall