[13:43] <srikat> is it possible to view folders and favorites both one below the other in windows explorer?[13:46] <app> what do you mean?[13:47] <srikat> do you have WE open?[13:47] <app> yes[13:47] <srikat> is 'folders' selected in the toolbar?[13:48] <app> you want it to be?[13:48] <srikat> ya, for once just select it[13:48] <app> ok[13:48] <srikat> now press ctrl+I[13:48] <app> L?[13:48] <app> or i?[13:49] <srikat> i[13:49] <srikat> notice how favorites are shown in the left and folders are gone[13:49] <srikat> I want to view both folders and favorites at the same time[13:49] <srikat> one beneath the other[13:49] <srikat> do you know if it's possible?[13:49] <app> so you want that as a split panel?[13:49] <srikat> yes[13:50] <app> maybe back in 9x...but i don't think in 2k+[13:50] <srikat> what a pity[13:50] <srikat> I'll post in the forum to see if anyone knows