Just FYI for everyone wanting help...this is my personal info for how/when to contact me and such:
I use the AIM/MSN/Yahoo messeners...
wreckedcarzz (AIM)
[email protected][email protected]Rarely am I offline/away (except for time zone differences, sleeping and school)
Assuming you want me to connect to your computer to take a look, you will need the free program CrossLoop from
http://www.crossloop.com/download (it's about 2MB and takes 2-3 min to download and install on a high-speed connection)
Just to make it faster, if you know off the top of your head/easy reference these things then please include them in your IM/PM to me (I can find these easily if you can't don't know where, etc. they are just so I don't overload your PC)...
What OS you have
CPU speed
Amount of RAM
available Hard Drive space
and FIREWALL - this is the most important of them all; I can't connect if your firewall blocks me
I can be contacted/able to help:
Mon-Fri: Anytime around 3-5PM, 6-10:30PM (-7GMT ARIZONA TIME; no DST)
Sat: Anytime for the most part from ~10AM-12AM (14 hours, not to be confused with the 2 hours from 10AM to 12PM)
Sun: Sunday I work during late afternoon and often have grandparents over. This isn't a good time, but if I can, I will squeeze you in between my cleaning up/cutting grass/carrying groceries/feeding dog/etc. Please note that I will often go AFK (Away From the Keyboard) during Sunday, so unless your out doing something, its not efficient.
And lastly...no problem is stupid to me (trust me, I have gotten used to solving small problems- sometimes its something major causing it, too) so if you just simply cannot do something/can't get something working, and it is embarrassing to ask for help, ask anyways-
the ONLY stupid question is the one that isn't asked!