Lol Armando, love the "head in the bag" icon. It actually almost looks like me

Hi everyone,
Mouser was talking about me. He's so enthousiastic but I'm still in "hopefully I didn't do any stupid things or forgot something mode"
since it's the first plugin I've written, hadn't touched Delphi in years and have been using FARR only since latest beta.
I wanted to write plugins for FARR but really don't like using C++ so decided to use Delphi instead. I had to convert the C++ framework
to Delphi. To test the framework I decided to make a simple plugin which was actually useful. This ended up being a Locate32 plugin.
Maybe the locate32 integration could have been done differently as well since I'm just learning about the more complex things in FARR
but it works very well for me. Hopefully others enjoy it as well.
I'll try working with Mouser and get it released today or tomorrow.
Below are some usage details for people who like to know how it works. The used options
are from locate itself (locate.exe /?). In the Adv Configuration of the plugin you'll be able
to set the location of locate.exe and the maximum found files (sames as -ln:<number> option).
You can overrule that maximum if you use the -ln:<number> in the search if you don't want
to change it in the adv config.
Some examples for searching:
// Search for notepad in c:\windows, don't search subdirectories, extension has to be exe
loc -t exe -Rn -p c:\windows notepad
// Search for java with minimum creationdate 21 sept 2007 and extension pdf
loc -t pdf -lDc070921 java
// Search for v[a-z]deo, find only directories, treat as regular expression (-r), use path d:\ (-p d:\), don't look in subdirectories (-Rn)
// in my case this found d:\Video
loc -ld -r -p d:\ -Rn v[a-z]deo
Hopefully it's useful to everyone. Btw, if anyone has suggestions, tips or anything else, please yell. I'm not a Delphi developer (I normally
program in Java, Python and others) so there could be things in the framework code as well that could be better. Don't hesitate to
make comments, I like to learn from my mistakes

And Mouser, thanks for all the help and for being a great friendly host!
