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Last post Author Topic: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review  (Read 123826 times)


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2010, 06:48 AM »
Since installing the version 5, I notice that at start up it's not minimized to tray? :huh:


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2010, 05:15 PM »
Since installing the version 5, I notice that at start up it's not minimized to tray? :huh:

I've had that problem for a while, might be best to report it directly to the author who is very helpful & responsive or they have a forum somewhere there.


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2010, 12:38 AM »
I think there's a way to designate how/where you want a program to open via switches in the Start Menu link. Adding something on to the link like " /m" for minimized or " /h" for hidden; something like that. Anyone know more about how to do that?




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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2010, 01:51 AM »
I'm trying the 'start minimized' first - was looking for that.... ;D :Thmbsup:


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2010, 04:26 AM »
Solved! Win Patrol had an unnecessary start up entry for SFFS - deleted it!  :Thmbsup:


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #55 on: August 31, 2010, 03:17 PM »
I'm currently trying SFFS as I find syncback a bit slow...

Although, after 2 days of testing, I really find that the syncback interface is much much better : offers more flexibility, options etc (the grid showing all backups offers a much clearer view of what needs to be backed up, when, etc. and all backup jobs can be sorted through their different fields, etc.). Only problem : no delta backup... Which is stupid, considering the demand. So, basically, 3 the main features I'm interrested in in SFFS are the "partial file updating", the versioning and the "real time" backup.

A backup software needs to be rock solid -- backup problems completely defeats the security purpose of the software. Unfortunately, in my tests, I  experienced something very strange (I'll post this in the SFFS forum  later but I wanted to try here first, in the community I know best !). But it could be me. I really wonder what I'm doing wrong.

1- In the "exact mirror mode" when "partial file updating" option is ON, larger "in use" files like my Outlook PSTs or IQ DataBase are 1- copied and then... immediatly after... 2- deleted ! This seems to happen once every 2 backup.

2- This doesn't seem happen when the "partial file updating" option is off. Also note that use VSS (for all files)

3- I also had issues with The "Run profile as soon as drives or volumes involved become available" option... The time always resets to 0.

It could be some installation or registry problems... I tried to figure out what the problem is and can't see what's missing.  I might just go back to my "a tad slow but reliable" SyncBAck but... still...
Anybody knows what's going on ?



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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2010, 03:42 PM »
Armando, i find your experiment with SFFS very interesting.  I know you are very detail-oriented.  I've used SFFS for a while now.  I use mostly the exact mirror mode for my stuff except in a few cases.  I'm shocked to hear you say that Syncback has more flexibility and options.  Wow!  The whole reason I was attracted to SFFS was because of the tons of options.  So I definitely have to check out Syncback now.

The interface on SFFS is pretty crummy.  I was really hoping Tobias was going to revamp it for version 5.  I feel it needs the same type of overhaul DOpus went through for it's options dialog a couple of versions back.  There are too many options to sort through all those tabs.  It's overwhelming.  That needs to be done in a different way.  And the thing you mention about the grid showing the backups...yes, that could definitely be improved.  I also really think he should change the dialog where you select the individual folders you want backed up (with checkboxes).  For as long as I've used it, he's done that in a really funky way with radio buttons, which makes no sense to me.


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2010, 03:43 PM »
1- In the "exact mirror mode" when "partial file updating" option is ON, larger "in use" files like my Outlook PSTs or IQ DataBase are 1- copied and then... immediatly after... 2- deleted ! This seems to happen once every 2 backup.

Hi Armando,
I'm doing the same for my IQ database but I have "standard copying" mode selected as opposed to mirror. Otherwise my settings are similar:
  • VSS used to copy locked files
  • Partial File Updating ON

I'm not having any problems.

I'd recommend reporting directly to the author and sending the related log file(s) that sounds like a pretty serious bug. He is very responsive and quick to fix things if broken.... Version 5 is very new so it's possible there's some bugs still

[edit] dont have any experience with "Run profile as soon as drives or volumes involved become available" [/edit]
« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 03:45 PM by tomos »


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #58 on: August 31, 2010, 05:12 PM »
I'm currently trying SFFS as I find syncback a bit slow...

Although, after 2 days of testing, I really find that the syncback interface is much much better : offers more flexibility, options etc (the grid showing all backups offers a much clearer view of what needs to be backed up, when, etc. and all backup jobs can be sorted through their different fields, etc.). Only problem : no delta backup... Which is stupid, considering the demand. So, basically, 3 the main features I'm interrested in in SFFS are the "partial file updating", the versioning and the "real time" backup.

A backup software needs to be rock solid -- backup problems completely defeats the security purpose of the software. Unfortunately, in my tests, I  experienced something very strange (I'll post this in the SFFS forum  later but I wanted to try here first, in the community I know best !). But it could be me. I really wonder what I'm doing wrong.

(Red and Bold emphasis is mine)

OK, you got me... what SFFS forum? I didn't know there was such a forum! Is there truly an SFFS forum? Would be nice!




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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #59 on: August 31, 2010, 08:47 PM »
thanks for your comments/suggestions everybody. I'm busy tonight so won't have time to try other stuff with SFFS or register to the... Forum... Yes, Jim, there's a forum. :) Tom mentioned it in an earlier post. What's weird though is that I couldn't find any mentions of it on the main web site (note that I only looked for 5 min... But this is often the max amount of time I spend on a web page trying to find something before I start getting impatient). Seems like super flexible is distributed by different companies and so this forum is provided by one of its distributors/reseller.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 08:49 PM by Armando »


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #60 on: September 01, 2010, 12:32 AM »
Thanks Armando - I had missed that post by Tom.

Well, I found the forum but it is a bitch to register for it. I think they can kiss my...  you get the thought. Damn thing wants ALL your personal info: address phone number, etc. Bull! Tells me I can fill any fields I don’t wish to complete with the correct number of ######, but it keeps returning asking for a valid phone number. And it clears the password and a few other fields each time. Hate that with a passion! And since it is a dynamic form the Lazarus extension doesn’t work on it.

Why the hell does a software support forum need my address and phone number? Intrusive crap!

A little ranting tonight, yes?   :P



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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #61 on: September 01, 2010, 03:00 AM »
I never did join that forum myself - never got around to trying to join it I mean. It was on my list, but my list is long and I keep ignoring it :)
Luckily - as I said above - the author (Tobias Giesen) is, in my experience, extremely responsive and very quick with fixes, if necessary. Email details here:


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #62 on: September 01, 2010, 08:47 AM »
Why the hell does a software support forum need my address and phone number? Intrusive crap!

A little ranting tonight, yes?   :P

Join the club! As Kramer says, "Why does Radio Shack ask for your phone number when you buy batteries?"

But, as tomos said, Tobias is very responsive to emails.


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #63 on: September 01, 2010, 01:10 PM »
Oh, I do write to Tobias when needed. Just thought it would be nice to be able to ask questions of other users on a forum.   :)




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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #64 on: September 01, 2010, 01:31 PM »
[...] Just thought it would be nice to be able to ask questions of other users on a forum.   :)

Yes, that would be very nice.
It's great that there's so many options in SFFS, but even though the help is fairly good, there's times I just dont know how to approach a backup. Speaking of which...

The interface on SFFS is pretty crummy.  I was really hoping Tobias was going to revamp it for version 5.  I feel it needs the same type of overhaul DOpus went through for it's options dialog a couple of versions back.  There are too many options to sort through all those tabs.  It's overwhelming.  That needs to be done in a different way.  And the thing you mention about the grid showing the backups...yes, that could definitely be improved.  I also really think he should change the dialog where you select the individual folders you want backed up (with checkboxes).  For as long as I've used it, he's done that in a really funky way with radio buttons, which makes no sense to me.

He did change it for version 4 (?) but it wasnt much of an improvement IMO - in the older version it was actually easier to get an overview. I've forgotten already exactly how it was done - it wasnt that it was that good either. As you say, I think it needs a complete overhaul. I wouldnt know how to approach it myself there's so much there.
Funny, it's easy to say where a GUI is crappy, but if it came to a complete overhaul I just wouldnt know where to begin...


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #65 on: September 01, 2010, 04:26 PM »
As you say, I think it needs a complete overhaul. I wouldnt know how to approach it myself there's so much there.
Yeah, i've wondered how to change it myself.  I can't say I've come up with anything great, but I can definitely come up with something significantly better.  Like I said above, the options dialog for DOpus is a very good example.  It has a filter on the bottom where you can actually search all the options for whatever keyword you like, and the matches will be very clearly highlighted by a red rectangle.  I thought that was very creative and awesome.  But beyond that, i also think the whole tabs interface should be redone like mouser did for some of his programs.  mouser changed his preferences (FARR, for example) from tabs (like SFFS) to the current tree hierarchy on the left.  This was a great improvement.  Tabs are good, but they become klunky when there are a lot, and especially when organization comes into play.  Like, if there are options that are sub-categories of a larger set of options, it's better to do that with a tree than a bunch of tabs.  SFFS really needs to consider changing their interface.


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #66 on: September 08, 2010, 02:34 AM »
1- In the "exact mirror mode" when "partial file updating" option is ON, larger "in use" files like my Outlook PSTs or IQ DataBase are 1- copied and then... immediatly after... 2- deleted ! This seems to happen once every 2 backup.

Armando, did you get a chance to report this - or did you give up on SFFS?
(if you did give up/uninstall I'll send Tobias a link to here anyways, so he knows about the problem)


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #67 on: September 08, 2010, 01:35 PM »
Thanks for the follow up, Tom. No, I didn't report this. That kind of bug reporting takes time as many parameters are involved... But if you want to send Tobias an e-mail, sure.

I gave up on SFFS for now, even if it seems very promissing . My SyncBack License is valid and I like the interface, so I'd need a good reason to switch (my main incentive : the speed of the backup) and I want a painless set up.

SFFS did a few weird things right from the start and so I'll wait for another moment -- when I have more time -- to retry it. That is, if it's possible to reinstall the trial and get extra days ?? I'll check the website.

Thanks again


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2010, 01:12 PM »
Thanks for the follow up, Tom. No, I didn't report this. That kind of bug reporting takes time as many parameters are involved... But if you want to send Tobias an e-mail, sure.

I gave up on SFFS for now, even if it seems very promissing . My SyncBack License is valid and I like the interface, so I'd need a good reason to switch (my main incentive : the speed of the backup) and I want a painless set up.

SFFS did a few weird things right from the start and so I'll wait for another moment -- when I have more time -- to retry it. That is, if it's possible to reinstall the trial and get extra days ??

I reported it but he said he cant do anything without the log file (I forget where they stored by default, prob in the documents & settings/user). In my experience if there is a problem, he has figured it out from the log file so there was minimal work in reporting bugs. He did say he couldnt reproduce it, might try it myself as well if I get around to it.


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2010, 11:26 AM »
Thanks Tom. I actually found 2 logs that would show the problem. So I guess I just need to send the logs to him ?


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2010, 12:25 PM »
Thanks Tom. I actually found 2 logs that would show the problem. So I guess I just need to send the logs to him ?

well if you're willing :) I sent you a PM with some more details (dont know if you've uninstalled, but if you can remember the name of the backup, give him that too - mind you you're logs are probably fairly short if you only trialling it...)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 12:27 PM by tomos »


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2010, 06:21 PM »
Ok, I'll check this out...


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #72 on: September 28, 2010, 02:47 PM »

is offering SFFS and five other apps for $29.95.
It looks to me like the PRO version of SFFS as well which is worth almost $60 so it's a good deal for that alone (I dont recognise the others).

!!  Only THREE hours left  :-)


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #73 on: December 08, 2010, 08:58 PM »
I have been using "Synchromagic" for years, it works wonders.
About the same features as Super Flexible File Synchronizer.
There is no "best"software" but one has to check the little functionality they are really keen on is available.


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Re: Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2010, 04:24 AM »
I have been using "Synchromagic" for years, it works wonders.
About the same features as Super Flexible File Synchronizer.
There is no "best"software" but one has to check the little functionality they are really keen on is available.

mixed messages about it out there:
the homepage says it's discontinued - - are you using the last known version (now free)?
Synchromagic which was sold by Rose City Software since 1999, has been discontinued. Unfortunately in 2006 development more or less ceased after v4.3.2.2 - and attempts to work with Gelosoft to develop further upgrades and bugfixes failed. Recent attempts in late 2007 by Gelosoft to finally release new builds for a new version 5.0 were so drastically flawed that Rose City Software was forced to abandon our relationship with Gelosoft as the software was no longer reliable and would result in lost data.
[my emphasis]
Softpedia are offering the more recent version as a trial

[edit] rosecitysoftware have replaced it with [/edit]

« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 04:25 AM by tomos »