I'm currently trying SFFS as I find syncback a bit slow...
Although, after 2 days of testing, I really find that the syncback interface is much much better : offers more flexibility, options etc (the grid showing all backups offers a much clearer view of what needs to be backed up, when, etc. and all backup jobs can be sorted through their different fields, etc.). Only problem : no delta backup... Which is stupid, considering the demand. So, basically, 3 the main features I'm interrested in in SFFS are the "partial file updating", the versioning and the "real time" backup.
A backup software needs to be rock solid -- backup problems completely defeats the security purpose of the software. Unfortunately, in my tests, I experienced something very strange (I'll post this in the SFFS forum later but I wanted to try here first, in the community I know best !). But it could be me. I really wonder what I'm doing wrong.
1- In the "exact mirror mode" when "partial file updating" option is ON, larger "in use" files like my Outlook PSTs or IQ DataBase are 1- copied and then... immediatly after... 2- deleted ! This seems to happen once every 2 backup.
2- This doesn't seem happen when the "partial file updating" option is off. Also note that use VSS (for all files)
3- I also had issues with The "Run profile as soon as drives or volumes involved become available" option... The time always resets to 0.
It could be some installation or registry problems... I tried to figure out what the problem is and can't see what's missing. I might just go back to my "a tad slow but reliable" SyncBAck but... still...
Anybody knows what's going on ?