If you are constantly sync'g a folder, for instance My Documents, you can also setup a shortcut...
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /K xcopy "C:\My Documents" "H:\My Documents" /E/T
where H is a valid path to another drive in this case, a USB stick for example. Note the quotes are necessary when there are spaces in the pathname. I use quotes all the time whether there's spaces or not.
Similarly, a shortcut to use Skrommel's EjectCD script...
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C pushd "C:\Skrommel\CdOpenClose" && EjectCD.exe G
where /C closes the cmd wndo after completion, and G is the CD/DVD drive. I use 'pushd' since the path to the directory is not defined, ie, not in the path variable on my system. Also in the shortcut definition, the cmd wndo is run minimized, I use the icon from EjectCD and the shortcut resides in the Quick Launch menu - very handy, quick too
Amazing how many are not familiar with xcopy, yet it's fast, very functional and totally reliable