Hi all,
(mouser especially)
Fill in the blanks:
1. giveawayoftheday.com
2. freedownloadaday.com
3. onetipaday.com
4. donationcoder.com
http://www.codinghor...archives/000735.html6. featured blogger ( *ME*
.......... lol )
7. ________________________ ( <-- what's next ? )
smallguyoftheday.com !!
Main Menu
+ who's he?
+ what does he do?
+ donate to him
+ send him a nice greeting (our *official* welcome and thank you letter
+ send him a ringtone/message/swf/email/thankyou/greetings
+ "codingsnacks++" i want this product
+ we recommend one every day, as against them applying.
our strengths:
+ reviews
+ nice people
+ not professional coders to dislike this "non-macho" "publicity gimmick"
+ discounts
minus points
+ too much traffic
+ ads maybe....?
+ others.....
This one is social, not technical. so, please give me your inputs.
(er..... actually, I'm trying to apply for a job with an SEO firm and they've given me this as a challenge after I showed them that I was very good at SEO, so please just post anything, even a "boring" will do ... thanks.)
( that SEO thing was a joke,in cse you missed it
[EDIT]PS: I'm not planning to make it, lest you feel that I'm taking inputs from here and making it for myself..... it should ideally be a DC offshoot, possibly to get more people to see DC.