Yesterday i had a great idea.. we need some plugin games for FARR..
I actually thought of one that would fit well, a quiz game plugin.
When you type quiz or (qz) it might display a result list of categories (or difficulty levels?),
you choose one and it presents you with a random question and a result list of possible answers,
get it right, earn some points, get it wrong, lose some.
It should keep a running tally of your score, and which questions you've already answered. i know there are some free quiz data sets that might be usable.
(to keep people from cheating, i was thinking that as soon as it presented you with a question, it would pre-emptively deduct points as if you got it wrong, and then award you points if you get it right, so that you can't just keep skipping questions).
sounds fun? anyone want to try to make it?