Living Room / Re: 10th Anniversary - long time member check-in thread
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:47 PM »
Hey guys,
Congratulations on the 10th anniversary! zridling, I remember enjoy reading your posts/reviews because they always came with good and enjoyable photos lol
Anyway, I have moved on to OS X as my main system (due to work) so I don't read software reviews and look for discounts very often anymore. At work, I still do some cross platform work, but mainly develop and maintain some Mac/iOS apps so objective-c (and lately Swift) is my main gig. Even though I develop on OS X, I still use FARR, xplorer2 and website-watcher (which I got a discount from here) everyday on a separate machine. Such essential tools...
Good old times here Jesse, and just the other day I found a "super duper programmer" in my t-shirt collection which I think I got it from here (along with a DC mug)!!! Way coooool!
Congratulations on the 10th anniversary! zridling, I remember enjoy reading your posts/reviews because they always came with good and enjoyable photos lol

Anyway, I have moved on to OS X as my main system (due to work) so I don't read software reviews and look for discounts very often anymore. At work, I still do some cross platform work, but mainly develop and maintain some Mac/iOS apps so objective-c (and lately Swift) is my main gig. Even though I develop on OS X, I still use FARR, xplorer2 and website-watcher (which I got a discount from here) everyday on a separate machine. Such essential tools...
Good old times here Jesse, and just the other day I found a "super duper programmer" in my t-shirt collection which I think I got it from here (along with a DC mug)!!! Way coooool!