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Messages - taichimaster [ switch to compact view ]

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Hey guys,

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary! zridling, I remember enjoy reading your posts/reviews because they always came with good and enjoyable photos lol  :up:

Anyway, I have moved on to OS X as my main system (due to work) so I don't read software reviews and look for discounts very often anymore.  At work, I still do some cross platform work, but mainly develop and maintain some Mac/iOS apps so objective-c (and lately Swift) is my main gig.  Even though I develop on OS X, I still use FARR, xplorer2 and website-watcher (which I got a discount from here) everyday on a separate machine.  Such essential tools...

Good old times here Jesse, and just the other day I found a "super duper programmer" in my t-shirt collection which I think I got it from here (along with a DC mug)!!!  Way coooool!  :-*

Hi Josh, it should already have Win7 support (have not tried Win8 though).  It comes with an helper (ServiceCtrlHelper.exe) that is capable of elevating perms to start/stop a particular service.  Please do let me know if it doesn't work for you.

Backup Guide / Re: Well I'd like to have shared some ....
« on: April 12, 2010, 05:40 AM »
You have convinced me as well!!! Just read through the feature list on the website, both the "BackInTime" and "ReverseDelta" sound quite appealing to me.  I am going to have to try this out.

I am currently using Backup4all and have been evaluatinng SFFS, and there are a few things that I wish Backup4all was capable of doing.

Can Oops!Backup do the following?

1.  Is the "BackInTime" feature capable to keeping track of changes that happened inside a particular folder?  For example, I would like to take a snapshot (exact mirror) of a certain directory whenever a backup task is run (be it a scheduled or manual job).  However, upon subsequent snapshots, I expect the application to backup the binary delta of ONLY the files that have changed after the initial snapshot (so as to save space).  I don't want it to re-save the whole directory when only 1 or 2 files out of 1000 have changes in them.  Upon restore, I want it to be able to handle relocation and deletion (very important).  Upon restore, I would like it to restore back to the EXACT state of the folder on a given date, handling creation, move, and deletions as needed.

2.  Does this ReverseDelta feature apply to restore as well?  For example, when only a very hundred bytes  out of a 10GB file has changed after a backup, can the restore be smart enough to just restore (add/overwrite/replace/remove etc) the bytes/blocks that have changed (as opposed to a full dumb copy back from the backup)?  This would be killer.


Hey good find xtabber.  Any idea if there is any discount for the combo edition (both Mac & Win)?  Normally the combo is priced at $69.95.  TIA.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: O&O DiskStat 2 Pro (Easter promo)
« on: April 04, 2010, 01:39 PM »
Thanks!  Just downloaded a copy :)

Seems a little bit on the heavy side though, the 64-bit version of the installer is 48.7MB.

Thanks for the heads up!!  Think I am going to get myself a copy  :up:

Thanks for sharing!

General Software Discussion / Website Watcher Screencasts
« on: August 10, 2009, 01:53 PM »
For those who uses website watchers, I found there are some pretty informative screencasts in the following page:

I am pretty impressed with the narration as it seems to be some kind of text-to-speech instead of a real person's voice.  You would imagine it will be hard to get the timing right with text-to-speech, but those seem to be very nicely done!

How did you manage Martin? :)  What software do you use for that?

Screenshot - 8_10_2009 , 11_50_37 AM.png

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: FARR Plugin Screencasts
« on: August 08, 2009, 01:46 AM »
If you have some spare time, please make a screencast of the process kill and printer list plugins.  Thanks!

For pkill, I would like to point out that you can see the process' creation and running time when you have a particular entry selected.  Sometimes it's useful for distinguishing the correct instance to kill when you have multiple instance of the same process running.

Screenshot - 8_7_2009 , 11_41_57 PM_ver001.png

For plist, maybe you have better usage ideas?

Living Room / Re: xPlorer2 vector icon - I done did it!
« on: June 19, 2009, 12:12 PM »
Nice work!!

I also just tried this as well, works great on Vista x64 with 2 monitors.  Thanks phitsc!

I can understand that point of view - and yes Neville is polite, prompt and helpful. I genuinely hope he succeeds and that people buy the product. Personally I cannot afford that much for an application I rarely use - now if the upgrade was $19.99 I would probably splash out anyway but at $80 forget it!

My concern is that most shareware products from small scale developers just aren't that expensive and almost all offer reasonable upgrade prices to existing customers. If the first reaction on seeing the price is to wonder if the product is worth it then I think the price is probably wrong.

Ironically if it was priced at $39.99 and there was a 50% discount on upgrades I would shell out for it without giving it too much thought - even if the upgrades appeared every year. That is why I think the pricing is wrong. I'm pretty sure that a title like Surfulater will make more money by appearing affordable even with annual paid updates. Annoying the existing customer base by saying that the early adopters are not even eligible for an upgrade and expecting people to pay the full price at such a large increase is just going to make people look at the alternatives more carefully. When people find that Evernote does a similar job and is effectively free (along with a number of alternatives other) which direction are people likely jump?

All this at a time of global financial uncertainty where global unemployment and insecurity are on the rise!!! Products need to be priced to encourage upgrades not to drive your existing customers away in droves - and it is personal recommendations and positive comments in forums like this that will bring new customers on board.

As I say I wish Neville well, but I personally think he has made a big mistake and will come to regret it. Good will is hard to build and easy to lose!

I am with you on this Carol.  I bought Surfulater v2 last year and I don't think I will be upgrading either.  Price hike is just too much (for my usage) even after the 50% upgrade discount.  Tagging is cool, but v2 is sufficient for now with the # of articles I have in my knowledge base.  Good luck to you though Nevf.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: [bug report] Plist Plugin
« on: July 06, 2008, 11:59 PM »
New version!

v0.0.0.6 (July 10th, 2008)
  • Sort results alphabetically in ascending order
  • Always display results in "show all" (+sall) mode

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: [bug report] Plist Plugin
« on: June 10, 2008, 05:49 PM »
wow you have 16 printer entries??  I have 8 and I thought I have a lot already :up:

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: [bug report] Plist Plugin
« on: June 10, 2008, 03:42 PM »
Ok i can confirm that the problem is that FARR thinks the entries are "duplicates" and is rejecting them.
Technically this happens because the plist results are returned as file and the filename for each entry is the same.

I've modified FARR to only do dupe checking with files, but the plist plugin needs to be rebuilt to return results saying that the return type is something other than a file (E_EntryType_UNKNOWN would be good).

I could actually work around this but it would be a little inefficient so i'll wait for a plist update.

Fixed!  Please download the latest via DcUpdater.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: [bug report] Plist Plugin
« on: June 10, 2008, 01:57 PM »
Plist working OK here - I must have out-of-date copies (FARR 2.00.145).  Is plist's purpose to set the default printer?  Could there also be an option to also open a particular printer, so you can see the progress of that printer's jobs?  I don't think you can do that from most launchers because the desktop links for printers aren't files?  Thanks...

It can already be done through the plugin options, but yea right-clicking or a modifier key would be nicer  :up:

Mouser, I will make the E_EntryType_UNKNOWN change as soon as I set my SVN back up.


Use the promo code OAMAY anytime in the next 15 days and you can get $15 off any Online Armor product (except renewals).
-Online Armor promotion email

Oh thanks Curt!!!  This will come in handy since my outpost firewall subscription just expired.

Sorry...a bit offtopic here, but do you happen to have discount code for NOD32 or PerfectDisk 2008 as well? :D

I would like such a FARR plugin or alias as well!  :up:

Living Room / Re: Streaming movie into living room
« on: March 20, 2008, 11:30 PM »
I use tvsersity ( to stream audio/video content to my xbox 360 in the living room.  My 360 is attached to the wireless network via a Buffalo Ethernet Converter.  Works very well!!!

Lifehacker has a recent article describing this.

General Software Discussion / Re: Best free firewall for Windows?
« on: March 08, 2008, 01:16 PM »
@ taichimaster - Yes, it is sad that so many people don't take the time and effort to set up their security programs the proper way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the cooperation between my NOD32 3.0 and my Outpost Pro 6.0 - Outpost is doing all it is supposed to do.

Hi Curt,

How do you like Outpost 2008 compared to Outpost 4.0 (if you have used it)?  I have upgraded to 2008 before when it first came out, but then promptly downgraded back to 4.0 since it was crashing my machine left and right.

General Software Discussion / Re: Best free firewall for Windows?
« on: March 08, 2008, 06:27 AM »
There are still a couple of applications that don't work well with Comodo's firewall.  NOD32 in its current incarnation uses a proxy to filter all the web pages email through its on-access scanner.  That means that all the connections appear as originating from NOD32, so there is no firewall filtering of connections as a result. 
-BinderDundat (March 07, 2008, 05:52 PM)

The NOD32 ekrn proxy doesn't just affect Comodo though.  There's been a lot of complaints about it rendering ANY firewall useless.

See: http://www.wildersse...wthread.php?t=192305

Good to be back!  Thanks John!

Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR freezing?
« on: February 29, 2008, 02:51 AM »
Do you have any UNC paths in your Recent Documents folder?  I remember there used to be a bug where it takes some time to time out if the UNC path is no longer reachable.

I have grown dependent on FARR and I try to do more and more with it... One of the things which I still have to do manually (clickety click) is to use options in the menus accessed with right-clicking on the icons in the system tray (also known as the notification area).

Hence the idea for a plugin: type in "tray" and you get a list of all programs visible in the tray. Selecting one item would display the tray right-click menu for this application. Alternately, typing e.g. "tray volume" would directly display the right click menu of the volume control application.

This shouldn't be too hard to do.  The following article describes the method to obtain the systray icons and how to send  left click, double click, or right click to those handles.



This should be a good exercise to anyone who wants to try developing a FARR plugin!!  :up:

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