Thank you, bmm and Skrommel

I have tried this script, it is nice and works almost like what I have expected. But here are some problems:
1. It does not support key-combination well, for example, I press Ctrl+D, sometimes there is only Ctrl is shown. I am using win98 and I have added Ctrl in the ini file
The showed mouse button disappear more quick than keypress. If I Ctrl+LMB, "LButton" flashes quickly, and then there is only "ctrl" left on the screen
2. How can I change the order of displayed characters. If I use Shift+F1, "F1 Shift" is shown. But I think Shift, Ctrl, Alt then other chars and mouse is a good order.
3. How can I get the real keypress? If I press Enter, it says "Enter NumpadEnter",",<" for "," etc. How can I get "a", "A", "shift a", ",", "<" and so on?
thanx again