For some time now, I've been noticing that there is one hell of a lot of good information stored in the forum posts over the past two years. But it only comes out in the open when somebody searches for a particular feature and clicks on a search result and finds an entire thread where the idea is well-discussed already. That's a pretty poor way of accessing such good information I suppose
So, a few new features come to mind (feasibility not investigated) :
1. DCPostNotifierLite should have a menu item which says "Keep showing me random old posts over past year, past two years, entire history, this quarter last year, first/second/third quarter last year" etc.
Or an elaborate screen for all those options.
2. Tagging of thread/posts
3. Interlinking ThreadM.PostN with ThreadP.PostQ in an indexing operation, and then a small floating tooltip comes up when a '*' button is pressed showing the list of links that are "similar" or "related" to this post. Much like Google's "Similar pages"
If it is not too much work, do look into it.