Lanux128, try
AHK_xmplay_input_to_playlist_DDEML v080821
; autohotkey script for silently adding to Xmplay playlist through DDE
; takes file(s)/folder(s)/playlist(s) as input parameter
; - drop input on AHK_xmplay_input_to_playlist_DDEML.exe or
; - pass input as quote enclosed, space separated command line parameters
; (use no end slash for folders!)
; example: C:\AHK_xmplay_input_to_playlist_DDEML.exe "C:\musicfolder" "C:\music2\song.mp3"
; made by nod5 , version 080821
; using DDEML by sean,
The attached zip includes:
68b207b3d1dca7511752b8fd8a2d3cac *AHK_xmplay_input_to_playlist_DDEML.ahk
390dc531993efe6af2ac7d271f2d8712 *AHK_xmplay_input_to_playlist_DDEML.exe
note: to add all input files one by one to Xmplay playlist through DDE took noticeably long time. To speed things up I let the script first make a temporary .pls playlist file containing all input files, then add the .pls to Xmplay though DDE, then delete the .pls. Xmplay automatically adds all files from the .pls.
note2: there might be some upper limit to the number of files or total length of the command line string that can be passed to the script, though I haven't looked into that (it is not built in by me but might be due to some limit in autohotkey or windows)