I think i use
But an pop-up menu (like them on "resize Image")
with the FOUR options
- Blur outside
- Grey outside
- Dim outside
- Blur, Grey. Dim outsidewould be handy.
Or maybe, if you need more space for the drawing tools,
an pop-up menu with SEVEN options related to the selection
- Blur outside
- Grey outside
- Dim outside
- Blur, Grey. Dim outside
- Blur inside
- Highlight
- Invert selectioncould be imagin.
What do users think about this ?
BTW:the option to add an "border around the selection"
should be have an new name 'cus
you want to implement an "Text highlighting" option too. (wouldn't you?)
So the current option "Highlighting" could named "Frame"
and than text highlighting could be named "Highlighting".
Or is this only for an german english speaker clear ?
Or is there an better idea ?
BTW 2:during this "save without asking" error
i got the idea if you wouldn't save the last action
in the picture too ?
Or is this to many data for the pic file ?
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