just wanted to share with you that I've started messing around with Dina.FON in Linux.
With fnt2bdf (from Wine) I was able to create the .BDF files corresponding to each size and weight provided by Dina.FON
After that, I converted the BDF files with bdftopcf to obtain .PCF files for use with X.
However, something goes awry here since, while I can see the .PCF font in X itself, it does not show up font selection
dialogs of KDE or Gnome. And this is the case because fontconfig does not pick those fonts up.
I read somewhere that fontconfig will pick up bitmapped fonts only if they are encoded either iso8859 or iso10646.
Well, Dina has Windows encoding, so I tried to reencode the .BDFs to iso8859 with fontforge before converting them to .PCF, but fontconfig still doesn't pick up Dina.
I also tried to let fontconfig just pick up the .BDF file. Then, Dina shows up in Gnome's or KDE's font selection dialogs, but the font that is then actually chosen
is not Dina, but some monospace substitute.
I can use other bitmapped fonts (like Clean) in X, KDE and Gnome without any problems.
Anybody has an idea ??