Thanks Dmitry !
What I meant is that I feel that the bar or toolbars at the top takes a bit to much space.
There is :
One linebar with : File ......Help > and the rest is free space........
Next linebar is : the folders ...setting ,etc......If you could just move this bar to the above ,next to the help (combine this bar withe the bar above -all in one line) ,it would be much better ,it would have a better look and also give a bit more space to view the bookmarks or the browser below.
You can also try to see how it looks if you reduce the size ,a bit ,for some bars ,as all such small things put together can give
a better or larger view.
This are just some small things that can be done.
And it is just my view on this ,at this moment.
Otherwise you are doing a great job.Please continue.