This morning I discovered that the HTML file for Tutorial #1 was missing. Not sure when or how that happened, but it's fixed now.
Work continues slowly but steadily on "Last Match Loses!" It's a game where you begin with four separate piles of matches. The piles begin with 1, 3, 5, and 7 matches, respectively. Play alternates between you and the PC. On each turn, you must remove at least one match from any pile of your choice. You can remove more than one match from the selected pile (up to, and including, the entire pile). Whichever player is forced to draw the last match loses.
There will also be a Player vs. Player mode.
I'm getting ready to begin work on the "C# for the Somewhat Initiated" series. If any of you plan to follow along, I'd welcome any suggestions or requests on example programs you'd like to see, or other features you'd like to have included in the tutorials.