I would like to thank for a good writter test. I liked it, always to the vim post. Now I can't trust anything written in the test, becuase everything (almost at least) writter about vim was horrible wrong!
Column mode: Yes, excellent, use ctrl+V for marking text in visual mode.
Hex mode: Yes, use the -b switch and the set display to uhex
Searching: Just typing / (can that really be so hard?) and you will have the power of reg exp. Compete with that!
Undo: Press u
Macros and Scripting: custom vimscript
User Tools: a lot, visist vim.org
Code Folding: Very good folding, learn more with :help folding
Vim is a tool, a tool for people that needs to edit textfiles, a lot of them, and fast. If you can't handle it, it probably isn't the tool for you, but do not lie about it.
vim is best used with the keys, that's a _text editor_. When you type, you are using the keys, not the mouse. Leave the mouse out of it, also leave the arrowkeys out of it, it just eats time from your editin. With vim, there's no need for a mouse or arrowkeys.
With other features like, code completion. I would say that vim is one of the most powerful editors out there.