a slightly different question, I have a single monitor, keyboard and mouse. But I have two cabinets - one runs Win XP Pro on a P4 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM and the other runs Knoppix on a
P1-166MHz with 128MB RAM(!). How do I control both cabinets with one set of Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse?
I looked up "KVM", but you get hardware devices which are often a bit too much to spend on, especially, when there seems to be free software alternatives available. I've used UltraVNC before and on that basis, I ask: Can I setup my old Knoppix box to run UltraVNC server (or similar), and then connect to it via an ethernet/LAN card (having connected both via cable) and I then have my WinXP running normally and I can access Knoppix through the VNC window?
Is that possible? Seems not because the Knoppix box has no video for the VNC to send to the XP box.
Any suggestions?