On the other hand, i've seen a bunch of programs that can stop windows shutdown (a feature that i find MOST anoying). This means that processes that are already running can stop the shutdown. Anyone has any idea on how to do it?
If you are referring to programs that won't allow Windows to shutdown when you want to shutdown, that is the fault of the programmer that coded it, not handling shutdown messages properly.
It's not a feature...it's an application bug.
This is usually an issue with tray applications or windows that minimize to tray rather than closing when you click the X. There is extra stuff you have to do in case the user wants to logoff/shutdown/reboot while your app is still running, or it will cause Windows to hang and not shutdown.
It was something I had to learn about and make sure wouldn't happen with Instant Boss when I was coding it, because I minimized it to tray instead of closing when a user clicks the X.
This page should tell you what you need to know about it:
http://msdn2.microso...ibrary/aa376884.aspxI don't know if it can be done (and I wouldn't know how any way), but it might be possible to write an AHK script that would be specific to your situation and misbehaving apps, that would somehow close those naughty apps first by simulating the user clicking 'exit' from their tray icon menus...and then logoff, shutdown or reboot Windows for you.
Then you would just use that instead of the normal shutdown shortcut in the start menu.