I could try this, don't think it would be too hard. Gimme half an hour, and Ill have a look
EDIT: Actually, might take a little longer than expected, I gotta get my head around this silly size method.
EDIT2: So, this is my code so far. Its not tidy or anything, but it works slightly. Could somebody explain why it gives me some stupid value? Like for My Pictures, it gives 1180, when in fact, the closest value it could be is 876kb (the actual value according to windows explorer).
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string input = textBox1.Text.ToString();
string [] directorylist = null;
string [] filelist = null;
directorylist = Directory.GetDirectories(input);
int counterD = 0;
int counterF = 0;
double size = 0;
if (Directory.Exists(input) == true)
filelist = Directory.GetFiles(directorylist[counterD]);
size = size + filelist[counterF].Length;
while (counterF <= filelist.Length - 1);
counterF = 0;
} while (counterD <= directorylist.Length - 1);
MessageBox.Show("No such Directory. Check path and try again!");