- the possibility to insert the current DATE and TIME with %date% %time% %costumdate% and so on
* i want an clip who past the current time-Stefan
Right now i could choose an recent clip or an favorite clip, right ?
I wanna choose an clip how contains an %Placeholder%
wich will be expanted during the pasting work
to the current Date, Time or what ever the user have choosen.
* second i want to use the %placeholders% in my clips
to paste e.g. "downloaded on %year%-%mm%-%dd%"
wich should give me "downloaded on 2005-08-15"
I have an favorite clip like this:
Finish | I finished the work at %Date%
If i choose this "Finish"-clip
i wanna get
"I finished the work at 15.08.2005"
or what ever i formated the date.
This two examples use the same function,
one time is the %Placeholder% alone
and the other time there is an 'normal' clip include an %Placeholder%.
- the possibility to read an random line (and store the last 20 line numbers for no doublets)
from an given text file
and paste this line into my document (ok, my eMail) as quotes.
* e.g. i own an text file with a lot of cities
and want to paste one of this randomly into my eMails.
e.g. i wanna have an clip with an %Placeholder% like
If i choose this clip
i want to autom.expand this %Placeholder%
to paste an random line from this text file
in my current document.
CHS should read an line by random
and store the last n line numbers in his INI
to not paste double lines in an short time.
Thanks you like this