thanks for posting the direct link for me
and yes, you guys are right in saying our site lacks a bit of the "fancy grafics" you might find on a mainstream game company site... but thanks for amfesising that fact - I'd really like to work something better in turms of grafic presentation when I get the chance.
if some of you guys that never had any experience with an audiogame before would like to try more games that present some more of an audio chalenge than perhaps blankblock does, I invite you all to go to:
http://www.lighttechinteractive.comand try some more of our stuf(Light Locator, Light Cars, etc).
I also very much advise you to go to:
http://www.audiogames.netas you can see from the name, it's a website soly devoted on audiogames, they even have a very large database of most of the audiogames that are available out there...
check it out!
best regards to all and thanks for downloading Blankblock.
Yakir Arbib
Lighttech Interactive